Blog Comments
What Is Commentluv? How It Works?
5:21 PM
CommentLuv is a popular WordPress plugin which is invented by Andy Bailey. The main idea behind CommentLuv is to reward your blog commentators and readers by linking to their blog post. Actually there are two versions of CommentLuv i.e. Free Version and Premium Version.
Let me explain a bit about the commentluv and its features that make the blogs with this plugin
so attractive. The main feature of this plugin, as the name implies, is
to show some love to the commenters on your blog. In other words, by
having the plugin on your blog you are able to reward the commenters for
stopping by, reading your posts and leaving a comment.
How Commentluv Enabled Blogs Reward Commenters
- Allow their comment links to be dofollow (on WordPress by default, all comment links are nofoloow). You can set some parameters that will decide when the links become dofollow. For example, the links can become dofollow when a commenters leaves at least 3 comments. Or you can choose to allow the links to become dofollow when the commenters also gives you a LIKE or tweets the posts and so on.
- Allow keywords in the name field. Again you can use different parameters for allowing keywords.
- Publish a link to one of the the last 10 posts of the commenters. This feature can also be controlled by you.
- As well, with on commentluv enabled blog you’ll get two backlinks, one with your name and/or keywords and another to your post specifically.
Commentluv Enabled Blog – Sample Comment
There is another reason why I like commentluv enabled blogs. To me they represent a shortcut to finding recent niche
related posts. After commenting, I’ll check out the links in other
comments. If I’ll find something of interest I will visit the post the
comment is linked to. (Actually, some of the post links may not be
related to my niche but I will visit the posts if the title in the link
piques my interest). This saves me valuable time searching for current
niche related blogs.
In addition to the benefits of having a commentluv enabled blog mentioned above, the commentluv plugin offers other functionalities as well.
In addition to the benefits of having a commentluv enabled blog mentioned above, the commentluv plugin offers other functionalities as well.
- It includes the advanced version of the popular anti spam plugin, G.A.S.P. (Grow map Anti Spam bot Plugin). This functionality protects your blog from spam comments from bots.
- It helps to increase your Twitter followers and help your readers to increase theirs by displaying their twitter name in their comments
- It sends an email to users when they get a direct reply to their comment. Guest authors are automatically sent an email when someone makes a comment on one of their posts
How To Find Blogs With Commentluv Plugin
To find blogs that are commentluv enabled is pretty simple and finding them should give you a good start. You can use several versions of input into the search box of your favorite search engine:- inurl:blog “WordPress” “commentluv” “your keywords”
- your keywords “This blog uses premium commentluv”
- your keywords “This blog uses commentluv”
- your keywords “This site uses keywordluv” (this is now a function of commentluv+)
Advantages of CommentLuv
- Link to latest post under comment.
- Encourages site owners to leave comments.
Disadvantages of CommentLuv
- Only really beneficial to other site owners.
- Attracts spam comments.
For anybody that doesn’t know what CommentLuv is, it is a comment plugin that enables people to leave a link to their latest post underneath their comment. If you are an avid commenter, I’m sure that you will have seen this on many sites. Many of the large sites realize that they are after genuine comments
from people, rather than simply encouraging people to leave a comment in
exchange for a link.