10 Tips to Becoming a Successful Blogger
8:51 PMBecoming the author of a recognized blog is a dream of practically
every dedicated blogger. Having your opinions appreciated and quoted on
the web, you won’t be anonymous anymore. Powerful bloggers are followed
by a loyal group of readers who are ready to consume any content they
create. But what does it mean to be successful in blogging? It means
that users are inspired to return to your blog time and time again for
reasons ranging from entertainment to solution-searching. The web is
full of people interested in what you have to say – here are 10 key tips
to help you tap into that potential and become a successful blogger.
1. Know what makes you different
Without a clear differentiator, you can just wait for your blog to
get lost in a sea of other blogs on the web. What defines success in
blogging is that unique value your writing holds. What is special about
your voice? What kind of expertise do you offer to your readers?
When defining your value, bear in mind that best content inspires
readers to take action, grow and improve their lives. This is the sort
of value that makes them come back and share it to their own networks.
If you’ve been writing for some time already, examine what you’ve
produced so far and check your most popular posts – what is it about
them that attracted the audience? Is there anything you could do to make
them even more engaging? Define your value and grow into it.
2. Identify your key goals
Blogging away all the time, sometimes you might lose sight of your
most important goals and completely forget why you created the blog in
the first place. Recall the value that you were planning to add to your
topic or niche and examine the kind of influence you wanted to have on
your readers.
It’s worth to stop for a moment and evaluate your blogging efforts –
you’ll not only connect to those initial goals you had when creating
your blog, but also reexamine your current strategy to check whether it
really brings you closer to achieving them.
3. Research your audience
Your blog can only exist because of your audience. If don’t want your
posts to end up in a vacuum, you need to define that key group of
people who might be interested in what you have to say and target them
in all your posts.
Once you determine the identity of your audience, it’s time to use
social listening and blog analytics to learn about their needs and
preferences – that’s how you’ll be able to ensure that the topic is
relevant to the sector.
What kind of problems do users have in your niche and where do they
search for quality content when exploring these issues? What are their
top interests? Where do they like to hang out online? Which forms of
content they like most?
All this knowledge is crucial if what you’re after are highly
relevant and shareable posts. You can only build your reputation among a
select group of people, not the entire web.
4. Try different media formats
Even if you consider blogging exclusively in terms of written
content, one look around the web is enough to see a rich variety of
multimedia formats which generally attract lots of users. Why not try
different formats to explore new promotional strategies for your posts?
You can transform the key points of your next post into a Slideshare
presentation and publish it on your social media channels.
You should definitely consider videos. They’re light and easy to make
– why not dapple into the brand new format of vlogs? Spicing up your
blog with a video format once a while is a good idea.
5. Get inspired
If there’s something every blogger experiences, it’s the writing
block. If you find yourself one day mulling over topics which aren’t
even relevant to your audience or having a completely blank mind, one
look at the web is enough to find new ideas for fresh and inspiring
One tool you should definitely check out in moments of crisis is
Übersuggest (http://ubersuggest.org/). You’ll find here lots of content
ideas related to a specific phrase or keyword – the tool generates a
list of related topics which effectively help to push your content to a
more unique avenue.
Knowing which topics are relevant is key to delivering
attention-grabbing content. Head to Quora (https://www.quora.com/) or
Reddit’s top pages (http://www.reddit.com/top/) to get a deeper look
into the online community in your niche.
Social listening tools will be of great help as well. Topsy or Icerocket
are both easy to use and provide a comprehensive overview of key
analytics data for a given keyword. You’ll benefit from metrics like
sentiment measurement, user engagement level and topic insights or
6. Don’t forget about SEO
Bloggers should always remember that their competitors aren’t asleep
and are busy writing their way into the very top of search rankings.
When composing your posts, remember about SEO – every blogger should
have an elementary understanding of SEO. If it seems obscure to you,
some education is definitely underway.
Monitoring is key to your SEO – keep a close eye on your backlinks,
social networking, quality of blog posts, number of unique visitors and
keywords that are your main focus. You can try Google Adwords – it will
help you to find the most relevant keywords to use in your writing.
If you’re using WordPress, it’s enough to find a great SEO plugin and
you’ll be on your way to providing content relevant to an increasingly
growing audience.
7. Write attention-grabbing headlines
The art of headline writing is a key skill every blogger should work
on. Even if your content is of high-quality, a poor headline will deter
users from it and you won’t experience a rush of traffic. Users make the
decision whether to click on your content or not on the basis of the
headline – this is what holds users’ attention and attracts them to your
If you’re stuck trying to come up with a perfect headline, try tools like ContentIdeator or Content Row
. It’s enough to type your keywords and you’ll get offered a selection
of real headlines to analyze. You can check which ones are popular and
you’ll instantly gain a clearer understanding of how to write your own
headline and effectively charm the audience.
8. Be honest
Always be honest with yourself and with your audience. Internet users
are sophisticated and will spot a sponsored post or shameless
advertisement from a mile. If you’re considering such collaborations, be
careful – one wrong move and you’ll lose your reputation and trust.
Writing positively about a product you’re not really passionate about is
always tricky.
Build a genuine voice by writing about things you really like, not
about topics which you know are trending among your audiences. Offer a
unique perspective – even if they don’t agree with you on every point,
your readers will appreciate it. Most importantly, be respectful to your
audience and avoid writing posts just to be perceived as a regular
9. Be quotable
Persuasive language is your best friend in blogging. What makes
bloggers great is the fact hat they’re able to inspire others to quote
them in their own content. Remember that the current attention span of
web readers is very small, so you should make the most from whatever
amount of attention you manage to capture.
How to be quotable? Write in a clear language, be concise and avoid
long sentences which don’t make sense even to you. Even if you’re
passionate about something, avoid rambling on and on about it. Focus on
delivering your message, sharing your best and most provocative quotes
all over the web.
10. Make sure your blog posts are easy to share
Shareability is something you can control to a degree. You best move
is to make your posts easy to share from the practical perspective –
work on placement of social sharing buttons and consider having a friend
test your blog with social sharing in mind. They might suggest some
smart solutions which average internet users will appreciate.
Some bloggers use an automated Twitter feature, which is a great
advantage of every blog post. Clicking on a fragment of your post, users
will be able to instantly tweet it. Don’t apply this function to the
entire post, but only to your most daring, shocking or thought-provoking
Becoming a great blogger takes a lot of work, but it’s definitely
worth it. Running a recognized and powerful blog gives a lot of
satisfaction and allows bloggers to enjoy the support of an immense
online community surrounding the niche or the topic in question.