7 Tips To Be A Great Leader

S ome people are born leaders, whilst others have to work much harder at it. Regardless of whether you are new into management at work, lea...

Some people are born leaders, whilst others have to work much harder at it. Regardless of whether you are new into management at work, lead a team of Web Warriors, or whether you have just been made the captain of your local football team, these tips should help you become a great leader.

1. Be Confident

Let me clarify that there is a vast difference between being confident and being arrogant. Confidence is a strong belief in your ability to succeed, whilst arrogance is an over the top, often rude and obnoxious quality that will not get you liked. If you want to be a strong leader, having confidence is important, because people need to feel secure, and confident with what their leader is doing.

Any sign of uncertainty will likely unsettle your team. It will make them nervous and unable to perform to the highest standards. Even if you are not feeling 100% confident yourself it is important that  you don’t make it obvious to those around you.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for help and advice, but you shouldn’t come across like a rabbit in the headlights either.

2. Listen

A good leader will also be someone that is a good listener. You must be able to listen to, and understand any problems or worries your team have. Being strong and a good talker is important, but almost secondary when compared to the importance of being able to listen.

3. Be Proactive

Being a good leader will demand that you spot, and deal with problems before they actually happen. As a leader you must be aware of what is going on around you, and try to find potential problems, so you can nip them in the bud before they actually manifest. For example, a manager in a supermarket would need to make sure that floor polishing was done after the store was closed and customers had left, so there were no accidents.

4. Stay Focused

A good leader will always be focused on the job, or task in hand. It is important for everybody around you that you are always aware of what is going on. If anything does go wrong then it will be you that your team turns to, and they will need you to know what is going on.

5. Don’t Lose Your Head

This is by no means easy, but is very important. In a pressured situation, a good leader will remain calm and collected. If you start to panic, or lose your rag then things could rapidly fall apart. Your team are there to support their leader, you, but should not under any circumstances be made to hold things together whilst you throw a hissy fit.

6. Be Decisive

Similar to confidence, being decisive relates to being sure of what you are doing, or instructing your team to do. Half hearted decisions will leave your team feeling unsure or confused. If you are not certain of how to deal with a situation immediately, take some time to think it over first before delivering a firm, decisive course of action.

7. Show Respect

This is quite possibly the most important element needed from a great leader. It is very hard for anyone to respect, or admire someone who is rude, short, and obnoxious. It is vital you treat everybody around you with grace and respect. Leaders that treat people fairly, and generously, are those who people really want to work with, and do well for.
Have your say, what makes a great leader for you?

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