Blogging Won’t be a Success Without Good Web Hosting

Big bloggers, looking to get you to give them money, will say that blogging is so easy. They’ll say that you just spend a couple of dollar...

Big bloggers, looking to get you to give them money, will say that blogging is so easy. They’ll say that you just spend a couple of dollars a month on web hosting and you’re on your way to making a ton of money.
Unfortunately, these bloggers are lying to you. Yes, you can get a blog set up for a few dollars a month, but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to succeed with your blog. The reason I say that is because your web hosting is very important to your blog’s success. There are a few reasons for this.

First and foremost, the speed. If you run your site on crappy web hosts, you’re not going to do. Two companies that do well in regard to speed are Anhosting and Westhost. Think of it like this…When you go to a web page, how long do you wait around before you finally get fed up and leave? If you’re like me, you wait all of three seconds. Any longer than that and I just can’t be bothered. Your guests are the same way.
But, let’s take away your guests for a second and just talk about Google. It’s their business to deliver information as quickly as possible. That’s part of the reason they rolled out their instant search. They want you to find the information even faster than you’re able to type it. Therefore, if your site is loading slow, why are they going to show it above something that loads quickly? If Google’s customers can’t get the information they need fast, then it’s not worth Google’s time indexing it.

In other words, the speed in which your website loads is ridiculously important both for a user experience standpoint and also because of Google.

But, another reason your web hosting is so important is because of the security. There are many web hosts out there that launch and then never update their servers. These web hosts make easy money, but when your site gets hacked, suddenly they’re not available–and trust me, attempts on your site will be made sooner or later.

Some of the big security moves that your web host should do is keeping all the software on the server up to date. They also need to ensure that they don’t have less-than-ethical sites running on their servers. These sites run the risk of hacking and once someone gains access to a server, they are then able to gain access to all sites on that server. So, once again, security is important in choosing a web host.

Finally, your web hosting is integral to your success because it is how everything is delivered. It’s how you thrive. If it has the latest updates, you’re able to run the best software on the web. Therefore, you need a web host who can respond to problems quickly and make updates to the server in an expeditious time frame. If they are taking two or three days to get back to you, you’re missing out on opportunities…And that’s bad business.

So, when you’re looking to launch a blog, remember that while it might be cheap to launch, it is better to spend a few more dollars and get the better web hosting. You’ll definitely appreciate it when you’re making money and your site is always up.

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