Innovative Ways To Promote Your Blog Offline

You have spent hours in building your blog. Adding relevant content on it, researching on blogging and mainly promoting your blog online. ...

You have spent hours in building your blog. Adding relevant content on it, researching on blogging and mainly promoting your blog online. More number of visitors led to your blog success. Like online promotion you can promote your blog offline also. The best part to that is it can be done in very light manner, without spending lot of money on it.

Some Innovative Offline Promotion Methods

Change Your Bluetooth Name: Today is the time when people share via Bluetooth. So put your blog url as your Bluetooth display name. This way your friends will get to know about your blog, even some unknown person whose cell catches your Bluetooth.

Get your Blog Printed on Your T-Shirt: Its hip and happening to wear t-shirts with bold text printed on them. So why not print your blog logo and URL on your t-shirt and flaunt it. It will definitely grab many eyeballs.

Make you of Crowd: Go to some mall, or a beach hold a banner displaying your blog name. It will get the attention of many and you don’t know how many will visit the URL.

Gather Your Neighbors: Arrange informal meetings for youngsters/teens living in your neighbor. Tell them about blogging, its benefits and also about your own blog.

Print some Pamphlets: If your blog is related to themes like music, movies then get some pamphlets printed about your blog and distribute in nearby music stores, pvrs.

Highlight it on Your Vehicle: Most part of the day you move from one place to another using your vehicle. So paint your car, bike with your blog logo and URL. People around you will definitely notice it.

Ask for help: Ask the grocery store in your area to give your blog promotion pamphlets to their customers.

Attend Your Mom’s Kitty Party: Let your mom’s friend know about your blog. They will share it with their kids and many will do visit it also.

Promote on Your Dog Band: Take your dog out for a walk and put your blog address on his band.

Use Flyers: Stick a poster or a flyer promoting your blog on your school wall, in your office notice boards. Don’t forget to take the prior permission before doing it.

Follow these fun ways to promote your blog offline and see more visitors coming to your blog.

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