Planning Your Blog Posts
8:18 AM
Blogging has the ability to take up such a massive amount of time as
it is that the thought of taking out more time to plan posts ahead of
time probably doesn’t sound that appealing. But pre-planning blog posts
can actually end up saving you time in the grand scheme of things and
make for more well thought out posts that more people are interested in reading. Why, you ask?
Let’s explore.
For starters, when you take the time to pre-plan posts you avoid
hitting the inevitable lull that comes with blogging (and just writing
in general). It happens to the best bloggers out there: that time when
you sit down to write out a stellar post and are hit with… nothing. By
having a slew of posts already in queue, or ideas set for each day, you
avoid hitting the dreaded writer’s block. You also avoid the rush of “oh my gosh what on earth am I going to write about today!!!” that inexorably comes each morning when you sit down with no plan in play.
Pre-writing posts is also a good strategy to implement because it gives
you the flexibility of publishing them whenever you want and letting
them marinate in a draft form, allowing you to come back at random and
tweak to your heart’s desire. This takes a post that otherwise would
have been hastily thrown up onto your site to the next level because
you’ve had time to add to it, edit it, and perfect it.
Planned posts also can help to expand readership – something just
about every blogger wants to do at some point in their blogging career.
By planning posts ahead of time and writing posts ahead of time you are
creating better content which will then equal something that people are
going to want to read and want to share more, thus increasing your
readership. When you write posts that cater to both what people want to
read and tie that in to what you want to write, you are able to cater to
both sides of the spectrum. This is in contrast to the theory of just
blogging about your day or week, and allows creating a certain theme
throughout your blog that you can tie into everything you write about.
Having well-written blog posts go up on your website regularly is
what makes successful bloggers successful. They don’t quickly slop
together posts and hope that the post ends up appealing to their
readers, but instead spend time putting together material they feel will
be enjoyable to their readers.