Why Every Blogger Should Take a Break from the Internet

Starting a blog is easy, but having the perseverance and commitment to keep blogging regularly is much more difficult. It is common to get ...

Starting a blog is easy, but having the perseverance and commitment to keep blogging regularly is much more difficult. It is common to get burned out when you are writing a blog. You devote so much time and energy to your project at the beginning, and then you just lose interest. Alternatively, you want to keep blogging, but you start to feel like you have said everything you can say about your particular topic. Writer’s block is a challenge every writer struggles with at some point. Both blogging burnout and writer’s block can be helped by taking a break from the internet. It might sound counterintuitive, but turning off the computer occasionally can actually make you a better blogger.

Some bloggers recharge by turning off their computer for a full week each year. Then, they return to blogging, full of new ideas and plenty of energy. An extended break helps bloggers avoid burning out and abandoning their project. If you do not have the discipline to stay off the computer while you are at home, consider taking a trip to a place where there is no internet access. Camping can be a great way to detox from technology and recharge.

Of course, just because you are taking an extended break from the internet does not mean you have to stop thinking about blogging. Writing out some notes for a blog entry or taking pictures can help keep you thinking about and planning for your blog, while still giving you a chance to take a break from the internet. You could even attend a blogging conference or a conference geared toward your blog’s topic. You would make valuable connections and come back home with plenty of material for new blog posts.

For individuals who are unable to take an extended break from the internet due to freelance work or online training, it is still important to unplug periodically. Beyond down time to promote brain activity, there are even health reasons why you should take periodic breaks from the internet. Some medical research suggests too much time spent on the computer, especially right before bed, can make it difficult to sleep at night. Sleep is so important to your overall health. If you are not getting enough rest, you cannot write insightful, creative blog posts. You will simply be too tired to do your best work. Even if you spend the entire day on the computer, recharge your brain by spending an hour or two before bed engaging in another hobby. Your blog and your health will surely improve.

Although extended breaks and periods of internet free time are important, it is equally crucial for bloggers to take breaks throughout the day. Breaks are especially important for professional bloggers who might spend all day working on their blog. After an hour or so of working at one task, you start to lose your focus, energy and drive. You work at a plodding pace, or you might find yourself getting distracted and visiting websites that do not have anything to do with the task at hand. Take a ten minute break after an hour of focused work. Your productivity will increase, and you will have more energy throughout the day.

Of course, during your break you need to actually step away from the computer. You will not get a productivity boost after your break unless you switch to a new activity for a while. If you worry that you will not return to your desk after a short break, set a timer to ring after your break is over. Of course, if you are more inclined to keep working without taking breaks, you can always use your timer to remind yourself to take a breather. Blogging can be a rewarding hobby or career, but in order to be successful, you need to take regular breaks from the internet.

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