Whether you're a business, a band or a public figure, having a Facebook-verified fan page is an easy way to increase credibility, while simultaneously helping boost your overall social media SEO.  Like many, you may be wondering about the benefits of having your Facebook business page verified.
There are actually a few good reasons, let's review.

Why Get Your Facebook Fanpage Verified?
For starters, verification is a simple way to prove the authenticity of your page.  There is no shortage of lazy degenerates out there who have nothing better to do than piggyback off the popularity and success of others.  Getting your Facebook business page verified establishes your page as the "official" page for your business or organization, while making those would-be copycats look pretty ridiculous in the process.
Also, it's a great way to give your social media a nice little boost of SEO.  Google and other major search engines are looking to give people the best experience possible.  This means making sure that you're taking all the appropriate measures to keep your information current and consistently updated across a wide range of platforms; social media being one of the big ones.

How do I Verify My Facebook Business Page?
It is surprisingly easy to have your Facebook fan page verified.  Here's a brief rundown of the process, and as you'll see, it's pretty simple to do.
  • Go to the SETTINGS page at the top of your Facebook fan page.
  • Click on the GENERAL tab and select PAGE VERIFICATION
  • Check the box listed VERIFY THIS PAGE and then select GET STARTED
  • Enter your organization's publically-listed phone number, language and country
  • Select the CALL ME NOW option, Facebook will call and provide your verification code.
  • Enter the 4 digit code provided and select CONTINUE.
  • If preferred, you can also verify your page using certain business documents.
Once you've entered your code or submitted the requested documents, Facebook will review and verify the information you've provided.  It can take a few days to get an official confirmation, which they e-mail to you once the process is complete.  It's worth noting that you are not required to verify your page.
Need professional assistance making the most of your Facebook marketing and social media?  Call me at 585-478-2331 to arrange a free consultation, or find out how social media can help grow your business and increase brand recognition.