Professional Copywriting Tips & Tricks for Bloggers
7:04 AMAre you looking to improve your copywriting skills?
Perhaps you are just starting out, or else you’ve been in the industry
for some time. For some reasons your muse keeps getting stuck. Whatever
you try just doesn’t seem to work and no amount of pen sharpening
activity brings you the desired result – hard-hitting copy.
Don’t worry, you are not alone. Like many, I certainly have my
struggling days too, and when I do it is usually because of unwanted
distractions, or because I just can’t get into the flow.
Copywriting pros share a common skill in how they craft their sales
letters. If you are anything like me then you probably own a nice swipe
file of the best copywriting headlines ever written.
There is certain mystery in trying to uncover the reasons behind a
great headline, but once you dig right into the content you’ll soon
understand the structure and makeup of such a site.
To help you move on the following tips might help.
The headline of a salespage copy is THE most important aspect of it. It is about 80 percent of the work. If done right, your story/letter will be the icing on the cake to make your prospect reach for his/her credit card.You should therefore spend most of your creative energy on crafting a killer headline. I usually start out by writing down dozens of headlines after getting some inspiration from the real pros. I never copy a headline word for word. I think that would be stealing. I much prefer to alter the copy to fit the purpose. There are literally thousands of words and synonyms you can apply to just about any niche. The result is sizzling copy.
Experienced copywriters are GREAT storytellers. They can lead you from their own experience with the product to being a true convert by the time you’ve reached the “buy now” button. It’s a gift that is rarely inborn, but needs honing to a fine art over many years.A lot of the best copy online is written with a subtle undercurrent – you never realize it’s there. It just keeps pulling you in all the right directions (i.e. toward the opt-in/purchase).
Experts call it the art of response copywriting. It actually makes sense. If done right, response copy triggers a …
RESPONSE from the reader. It gets the sale, the opt-in, the click.
Call to action
Without a definite call to action you won’t write hard-hitting, converting copy. You have to tell the reader what to do next. A lot of people assume that they already know. I’ll let you in on a little (secret).They don’t
People are like herds of cattle, they need to be driven down the path. Unless your [pen] doesn’t tell them what to do they will simply click out, having lost you a potential sale.
You can craft several call to action links into your salesletter. Don’t assume everyone will scroll all the way to the bottom because your copy is so great. Give people the opportunity to act beforehand.
Post scripts and post post scripts are often used to negate your last objections to the sale with the help of cleverly placed guarantees, promises and special offers. By creating urgency salesletters tempt you to buy now, before the price goes up, etc.This part of the salescopy is responsible for a fair amount of sales and should not be underestimated by copywriters.