Store, Recover And Test Your Passwords

Passwords are a bloggers nightmare. In only a few month we amass an impressive amount of different logins, starting with social networking...

Passwords are a bloggers nightmare. In only a few month we amass an impressive amount of different logins, starting with social networking sites, blog logins, membership sites and more. Before we know it, we get confused about our passwords and are afraid of losing them altogether.
But fear no more, you don’t have to worry about passwords anymore, whether remembering them or else whether they are really strong enough.
So let’s get right into it and see how we can recover passwords on our machine. Now, before I get into this please be aware that this only works if you have your browser set to remembering passwords in the first place.

Recover Lost Passwords

If you use Mozilla, navigate to Tools, then Options. In the pop up window that appears click on Show Passwords.
mozilla password reminder Once you click on the Show Password button a new window will open. You will see a long list of sites with usernames, which is also helpful, as often we tend to forget them too.
To see your actual passwords, click on the button again that says Show Passwords and you will see all saved passwords.
For IE users, you can also find your stored passwords by going to Tools – Internet Options and then Passwords.
While this is a great way to always have a backup, never use the automatic saving feature when you are away from your home computer as others can easily get your private information from you.

Store Passwords and Login Details

I recently stumbled across PassPack, a ingenious online storage creation that allows us to store login details and other info totally safe. The password manager allows you to store up to 100 logins on their server, protecting it with government strength data.
passpack login manager
Their Beta 6 version only went live on June 6th and I can tell you, that I very much like what I see.
Not only can I access all my sensitive logins from one convenient place, but I don’t have to waste time by having to navigate to all the individual login sites either. I can do this conveniently from within my PassPack admin.
Once you create your list of logins you can even export it and print to keep an offline version. You can also make backups and always edit whatever needs to be edited.
From the little I have seen, I really love PassPack, since I have been looking for a platform like this for some time now.
With PassPack you are not just limited to storing logins, you can also use the platform for lists, client information, bills and more.

Check out some of the cool PassPack features:

  • Anti-phishing protection
  • Disposable Logins
  • Scrambled Password Field
  • Offline Version (optional)
  • Password quality tester
  • Make personal backups
  • Strong password generator
  • Double Access login technique
  • Locks up when unattended
  • US Gov’t approved encryption
I strongly recommend you check out PassPack and take it for a test run at least. But what are passwords worth, if they are weak and useless anyway? Many people use the same passwords out of habit and that could be a potential problem. The main reason is that it is just too hard to remember dozens of logins, but with these tools it mustn’t be anymore.
To make sure your passwords are up to standard, test them with the…

Password Meter

The PassWordMeter is a free tool that allows you to test your password creations for weakness and strength. It is pretty straight forward really. You insert your password and it will tell you whether it is weak or strong.
password meter
It serves as a handy tool to help you set passwords that have enough resistance against perpetrators, but the owners of the site also inform that it only serves as a guide, nothing else.
I found it a good tool to show me whether I was on track or not anyway.

In closing

I think it goes without saying that you should always keep your passwords in a safe place. If you travel, never use public computers so that your work can be traced.
It might be a good idea to keep a safe offline version somewhere to give you a backup version if all else fails.

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