
The Secret to Having a Popular Blog

Who else would like to have an extremely popular, well-read, shared-like-crazy blog? I’m thinking most bloggers worth their weight would s...

Who else would like to have an extremely popular, well-read, shared-like-crazy blog?
I’m thinking most bloggers worth their weight would shout “Yes, yes, YES!” in a heartbeat!
But here’s the catch.

It requires a little work.  You know the kind.
The roll-up-your-sleeves kind.  And, (here’s the kicker), you have to blog consistently.  I’m talking several times a week. In the beginning, I would even say more.  Try every single day.

You can do it, but . . .
Much more than a tad of inspiration and motivation is involved.  You can’t just blog when you feel like it.  Nope. Doesn’t work.  There’s just simply no way your blog can become well-known and on the forefront of reader’s minds without some regular meat for them to devour.  And that means writing on a consistent basis.
Not what you wanted to hear?
Sorry, Promise!
I do know how you you feel.  While I’m passionate about blogging and putting content out there that will benefit my readers and cause them to think, some days I don’t feel like writing. Or feel inspired. Or anything of the sort.  THAT’s when I pull out my own advice and take it!

Quick and Easy Motivational Tips:

  • Remember why you are writing in the first place.  You know, your area of expertise.  Go back to the beginning and tell folks why you do what you do.  What you love about it, how you can help them, and what you’ve learned along the way.  Surely, those are some of your favorite topics?  Stay in your ball park.  Write about what you know and you just can’t go wrong
  • Visualize your ideal reader. You know who they are.  You know why they read your blog.  So, put that content hungry reader in your mind and give them what they want.  It’s an easy way to motivate yourself if you take the focus off of you and put it on them.  Bring kthem into the story and give them something they can’t get anywhere else.  A conversation with you.
  • Create a schedule. I know. I rebel too.  Schedules can make me seem like I am stifling my creativity.  But, guess what?  It’s actually forcing me to make the time for my creativity.  Doesn’t that resonate with you better?  Make the time and see what happens!
  • Keep a notebook or pad handy. How many of your most brilliant blog post ideas have shown up in the strangest places? The car, the drug store line, while feeding your cat, you name it.  They usually show up at the most inconvenient moments! How many do you remember?  Get in the habit of writing them down as soon as you can and before it you it, blog ideas will be so plentiful you’ll start to think you are an idea machine! Can I also say that those spontaneous ideas are usually some of the BEST? Trust me.
  • Keep taking action. Here’s one of my personal favorite quotes from the late Conrad Hilton:  “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” The point? Keep going, be consistent, and the results will show up!
Great blogs are  usually the results of a blogger’s good habits.  Consistent habits.  The popular bloggers know that already.

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