Top 5 LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Business

 LinkedIn us such a useful business tool, and yet far too often its true value is overlooked. This is by far one of the best tools avai...

 LinkedIn us such a useful business tool, and yet far too often its true value is overlooked. This is by far one of the best tools available so make sure that you take advantage of it.

1. Complete your profile 
Your profile is at the heart of your online business branding. Your LinkedIn profile will almost always rank very well in a Google search. You want to have a solid profile because first impressions can make or break you. Make sure your profile is completely filled out with no missing information.

2. Connect with all 
You should connect with as many people as you can. Begin with those you know and trust and then you will be able to make recommendations to other users when they are looking for an introduction. If you want to find the opportunities that are out there, you need to keep your communication lines open on LinkedIn. The more connections you make the more you will be able to grow your business and improve your sales.

3. Create a call to action
It is easy to do and so important. You need to create a call to action on your profile. When people arrive and read what you have to say they’ll feel inspired and much more likely to click through on your links that will take them to your website.

4. Make sure you are compelling
Most LinkedIn profiles will put you to sleep. Yawn – they are so boring and show nothing of the personality of the individual. Make it interesting and compelling. Tell people who you are, who the people are you help, what you offer for sale in services or products, and anything else that could be important to making you interesting for those that find your profile.

5. Recommend Others
Give and you will receive. If you recommend then you will be recommended. When you recommend others without them asking you to do so, they return the favor and this will help to improve your profile and build credibility, which will improve your business.

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