52 Ways to Promote your Blog and Business

I’ll admit that usually I’m not a fan of lists, hence you won’t find many long ones here at Better Business Blogging. However, when they ar...

I’ll admit that usually I’m not a fan of lists, hence you won’t find many long ones here at Better Business Blogging. However, when they are recommended by people like Brian Clark at CopyBlogger or Darren Rowse at Problogger then who am I to argue?


Although I have presented this as a single list, there are really three distinct groups of techniques that I would recommend that you consider in here – firstly what I would call “Blog methods”, then the more general online marketing methods and of course offline marketing and PR techniques. We’ll be looking at all of these on an ongoing basis at The Blog Coach.

In the meantime, here are 52 Great Ways to market your blog:
  1. Submit your site to the main web directories – you'll find a good list at Directory Maximiser

  2. Make sure that the whole of your blog is indexed on the main Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN/Live

  3. Get a Google Sitemap on your blog to help to get it fully indexed

  4. Participate in online business networking sites such as Linked In, eCademy and SoFlow

  5. Make it easy for your readers to bookmark your blog on the social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Del.icio.us, Furl etc.

  6. Make sure you submit your blog to the main Blog directories (Good list here and here)

  7. Also submit your blog to the main RSS directories

  8. Ensure that you automatically ping the main blog Search Engines and Directories suach as Technorati and IceRocket to get instantly indexed.

  9. Join a number of relevant online communities or discussion groups for your market area

  10. Maximize the design of your own blog: highlight posts or subjects that will attract and retain readers

  11. Add comments – relevant, useful comments – to other people�s threads or blogs

  12. Use Pay per Click (PPC) advertising like Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing

  13. Advertise on sites such as Gumtree or Craigslist

  14. Make sure that you run an ezine (e-newsletter) alongside your blog and make the two work together

  15. Make sure that you link out to other blogs in your blog posts and, for special recommended blogs, in your BlogRoll

  16. Join MyBlogLog to be able to make contact with other MyBlogLog users and develop relationships

  17. Set up a social network part of your blog with Ning

  18. Write your own e-book (perhaps using content from your blog) and give away free chapters to encourage visitors or subscribers

  19. Start your own meme or viral networking idea (such as 2000 Bloggers)

  20. Attend local networking groups such as BNI, BRE etc – tell them about what you do and reference your blog

  21. Set up and develop a profile on online social networking sites such as MySpace, Bebo etc.

  22. Create a free account on BT Tradespace

  23. Interview people for your own regular podcast – perhaps you could make it like your own online radio show

  24. Contact other relevant ezines and offer to write articles for them

  25. Submit your articles to article directories (Ezine Articles, Article Alley etc.)and link to your blog in the signature

  26. Submit your own ezine to ezine directories such as Ezine Directory or Best Ezines

  27. Include podcasts as part of your blog to distribute interviews, informational pieces etc.

  28. Convert some of your existing articles into podcasts

  29. Create a lense at Squidoo

  30. Distribute and syndicate your articles and podcasts via your RSS feed

  31. Offer free white papers or specialist documents which are branded with your blog and RSS details

  32. Set up teleconferences or teleseminars focusing on your main content areas

  33. Write a review of books on Amazon.com linking back to your blog

  34. Distribute press releases via online news services such as PR Web or Press Box

  35. Add a poll or survey to your blog and post/distribute the results – try SurveyGizmo if you are a WordPress user

  36. Read other blogs and leave your own comments on them

  37. Use trackbacks when you reference other bloggers� posts

  38. Create podcasts of your best posts and syndicate them, as well as submitting them to iTunes and other podcast directories

  39. Sign up to Feedburner and include the Headline Animator in your email signature and the one you use when you post to forums

  40. Make sure you include your blog address on your business cards and company stationery

  41. Customise and improve your RSS Feed using Feedburner – include special offers, sign up opportunities and make sure the feed delivers the full post

  42. Increase RSS feed sign ups by offering a sign up bonus to subscribers – how? Just ask!

  43. Offer readers the chance to sign up via email (Feedburner and Feedblitz offer the service

  44. Put files and follow ups to presentations, conferences and seminars on your blog for attendees to read and download

  45. Offer to become a Guest blogger on other blogs and invite Guest bloggers to write on your own blog

  46. Make sure to submit articles to and participate in Blog Carnival

  47. Optimise your blog where possible and particularly the Categories, Title Tags and Meta Tags

  48. Participate regularly in conversations on other blogs

  49. Post answers on LinkedIn Answers and Yahoo Answers

  50. Try LinkBaiting using controversial subjects or opinions � be careful though!

  51. Contact the main bloggers in your market area and introduce yourself or send details of a particular post that might interest them

And above all, 52. Write great content that people will want to read, recommend and link to!
What other methods (or which of these methods) do you find work best for you as you promote your Blog? Please share them with us by leaving a comment!

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