5 Phrases To Drop in 2016

5 Phrases To Drop in 2016 V ocabulary is very important in business. There are certain phrases to drop from our vocabulary. We might n...

5 Phrases To Drop in 2016

Vocabulary is very important in business. There are certain phrases to drop from our vocabulary. We might not be aware but when we speak people will hear our word but also get other meanings from our statements. It might not be not what you are meaning to convey and can have an adverse affect. If you are making a presentation , training , or talking to a prospect you can undermine your credibility without being aware of what you are doing. As entrepreneurs we have to be aware of how we present ourselves and with a few adjustments to how we communicate we can see major changes.

The 5 Phrases To Drop 

  1. “You know what I mean?” or “Does that make sense?”
  2. “Um, Ah, Uh, You know”
  3. “Out-of-the-box Thinking”
  4. “I think we should kind of do it this way”
  5. “I hate to say this but…” or ” Tom is a good person, but…”

“You know what I mean?” or “Does that make sense?”: By asking for constant validation it takes away from your command of a situation. You also to appear to not believe that your communication is clear and understandable.
“Um, Ah, Uh, You know”: Be aware of your use of “filler” words. Practice when pausing when necessary to avoid the extra words. This will prevent you from appearing confused or unsure of what you are saying.
“Out-of-the-box Thinking”: Beware of buzz words. Phrases like this have been so overused that they do not mean much anymore. It has become a throw away line.
“I think we should kind of do it this way”: The words kind of do not project confidence as a communicator. The use of tentative language weakens your message. Make a solid statement and back it up.
“I hate to say this but…” or ” Tom is a good person, but…”: Be direct with your criticism. Do not try it hide it with a pleasant start to the statement. Being direct and taking ownership is important as an entrepreneur.

Are you using any of the phrases? Probably yes!

If you are like many people you will notice that you use some or all of these phrases as a part of your regular vocabulary. If you look at successful people you will notice that they rarely if ever use them. Successful people have mastered their communication. More often than not they know exactly what they are saying. They use their words with intention. Everything they say has value.
If you find yourself using these phrases or any similar phrases own that and start to make changes. You have to be more intentional with your communication. Sometimes that means being silent and composing what you will say before you just say anything. Replace the useless words with words that are positive and add value.
Even though this post is titled 5 Phrases to Drop in 2016 the focus is really on a mindset change and how you present yourself with authority and as a leader.

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