
How to Find Dofollow links: Step By Step Guide

E very blogger wants to get high page rank and to get more traffic. For this one of the method is creating backlinks for your site and my ...

Every blogger wants to get high page rank and to get more traffic. For this one of the method is creating backlinks for your site and my article is also about backlinks. Dofollow links attribute and that helps you to boost your backlinks and is good for your blog to boost your Google page rank. So lets start first what is backlink and after this we will see


how to find dofollow links and many more thing which helps you in building good backlinks.

What is Backlink:

When a webpage links to other webpage , then these links are known as backlinks. Backlinks contain two category: Dofollow  and Nofollow links. There are many terms related to backlinks, which you want to know such as what is dofollow links??  difference between dofollow and nofollow links ?? and many more things. see below:

Link juice: When a webpage links to another website homepage or article, then it passes links , which helps in the ranking of the website and these links are called link juice. These links also improve your Density authority.  

DoFollow: Links that pointing back from other sites to your site, without the rel=”nofollow”  html link property.  That means search engines are allowed to transfer page rank to your site from the site where the link is placed. If you get links from high PR site, then it improve your site rank.

NoFollow:  Links that pointing back from other sites to your site, with the rel=”nofollow”  html link property  (seo nofollow tag) . That means search engines are not allowed to transfer page rank to your site from the site where the link is placed.

Each time search spiders visit your site, they follow both internal and external links on your pages that don’t have the rel=”nofollow” tag. Each external domain you link to without this stop sign will be considered a recommendation by you.

On thing, you always focus on gets links from high page ranks Now, lets focus on Dofollow.

How to Find Dofollow links:

If you want to rank high in search engines then you need to get dofollow links from reputed websites which are having high Google Page-Rank(PR). There are many example of it, you may see that some website which having high quality content, very good SEO etc but still their search ranking do not get the top position that they deserve.

If you are facing the problem then you should start making backlinks from reputed or high page rank site. For this you can do Guest Posting, commenting on other reputed or trusted site or a lot more things. but remember one thing  if you comment in low page rank website, then the links you are getting from these website to your site, can less effective in your search rank than the links getting from high page rank website to your site. So, focusing on finding on those Dofollow links which improve your search rank.
Here some very reputed and High Page-Rank websites by which you can get do-follow backlinks from them.So,Lets start:

1. Google Plus:

You know all Search engine is control by Google. So, if you get dofollow links from google then, it it surely improves your site rank page. If you want to know about : how to get backlinks from google here

Now follow these simple steps:
  1. Sign in your Google+ account
  2. Click on about option
  3. Click on Story  and then, Click on “Edit”Option
  4. Story Bar will open Now Fill up
  5. Write something about your website and insert you blog link under Introduction.
  6. Save

2. Facebook:

  1. Login to your Facebook Account and Go to Here
  2.  Click on Add Static HTML to Page and this app will add in your Facebook Page, when you select which page you want to select to work (in case of multiple page linked to single account)
  3. Click on Welcome and Click on Edit Tab
  4. Remove This File index.html and add new
  5. Now After Remove Add This file on your Index.html

    <a title=”check out” href=”https://onlinelivingblog.com” target=”_blank” rel=”dofollow”>OnlineLivingblog</a>
    just replace site name and URL awith your site name and URL
  6. All Done.

3. Mozilla.ORG :

Mozilla is another trusted and reputed website, which have very high page rank. Now follow below step to Dofollow links:
  1. Sign up Sign Up for Free Mozilla Account
  2. Fill out the details and activate your account, after submitting form.
  3. Visit your profile page.
  4. Put your bio with your website’s link and open Mozilla blog and Comments on Post.

4. Adobe.com :

Adobe is another amazing site having 9PR. So, Lets start:
  1. Create your account at Adobe
  2. Now, after activating your profile.
  3. Go Dashboard open of Adobe account
  4. visit Adobe forum and submit your URL in other Post and comments other post.

5. Pinterest:

Pinterest is another reputed site. It is very active website and million of user active on pinterest.
  1. Create Pinterest Account
  2. Create a account
  3. Now, add your website in pinterest and verify with meta tag
  4. After verify your post on pinterest.

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  1. Sign Up TED.COM
  2. After activating, Click on profile and then, Edit Profile
  3. Just Add your websites and blogs.
  4. Done.

7. YouTube :

  1. Create Youtube account 
  2. Create channel on YouTube
  3. Go to Setting
  4. Add your website URL in Channel
  5. Done
You can also create account on following website to get backlinks:

List of DoFollow Forums

From these website, you can get dofollow links easily. but i suggest you to also follow dofollow forum. Below is the list of  dofollow forum, register there. Use your blog link as signature in these forum and make sure that you stay active as these forums are very active and be patience and you will get backlinks as well as traffic.

1 V7nForum
Digital point Forum
Joomla Forum
Siteowners Forum
Search engine watch Forum
6  Warrior forum
CNET Forum
Affiliate Marketing Forum
Site Point Forum
10 Geek Village Forum

How to Find DoFollow links via commenting?

Blog commenting is another effective method to get backlinks for your site. Below i providing you simple method, which helps in you building good backlinks for your site. But one thing you should always remember that always comment on reputed or trusted site such as site which contain .edu , .gov . Generally these type of site are considered as trusted site. Another thing , is that always insert your google plus id in your website form.

Lets start:
Go to Google.com
Type keyword “comment here” (e.g. cheap domain“comment here”)
You can also type in google search such as  keyword “add comment”,    keyword “submit comment”,    keyword “add url”,   keyword “submit url”,   keyword “submit a site”etc.  and just rename the keyword with your desire keyword.  Here you will get lots of blogs for commenting.

I hope this article helps you in finding good dofollow link. If you have any query related to this topic, then comment below, I’m waiting for your response. If you like this article interesting, then share it.
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