
11 Fantastic Ways To Celebrate Mother's Day

Looking for fun ways to celebrate Mother’s Day with your family this year? We’ve got some ideas that will make this special day one to rem...

Looking for fun ways to celebrate Mother’s Day with your family this year? We’ve got some ideas that will make this special day one to remember. 

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate our mothers and how important they are in our lives. Breakfast in bed, making dinner for mom, and a spa day are all great gifts for a mother. This year, make Mother’s Day a unique and unforgettable celebration. Making a memory jar, taking your mother to afternoon tea, planting a tree, taking mom for a picnic, and volunteering at her favorite charity are unique ways to celebrate motherhood.

Have Breakfast in Bed

Drop a few not-so-subtle hints that you’re expecting a Mother’s Day brunch. Peruse some delicious Mother’s Day brunch recipes to find the perfect meal to start off your Mother’s Day.

A Day Together

Set aside all other plans and treat the mother in your life as a queen for the day. Turn the day into a one day adventure to someplace special. Grab the whole family and head to a favorite park, lake or ocean. Spending the time together (preferably outdoors) is what really counts, so have a picnic, go for a bike ride, take a hike, or do some gardening together.

Generations Unite

Gather all the grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles and other ‘mom’ family members together for a joint celebration. If the weather is nice a barbeque is the perfect venue.

Simple Celebration

Making a Mother’s Day celebration memorable and unique doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It could be as simple as heading to your favorite local ice cream shop and sharing an ice cream sundae (this would be top choice in our house!).

Give Mom the Day Off

This could be the best gift of all. Encourage everyone to pitch in and let the moms in your life sit back and relax. They deserve it! Have the family prepare dinner (go for something simple and pre-packaged like Tyson’s chicken) and serve Mom on her special day.

Give to Others

Mother’s Day is about honoring all mothers. This Mother’s Day help a mother in need by donating to organizations that help mothers and children.

Memory Jar

Paint and decorate a mason jar. Write favorite memories of your mom on slips of paper. Encourage the other members of your family to write their memories down as well. Fill the mason jar with the paper slips. On Mother’s Day, sit with your mom while she reads all of the memories you have written down.

Afternoon Tea

Book an afternoon tea at a local tea-house or restaurant. Invite the people who are most important to your mom. Use the time to talk about how much you appreciate your mom.

Planting a Tree

Pick your mom’s favorite tree from your local garden center. Together with your mom, plant the tree in a visible place in your yard. Visit the tree each mother’s day to remember the love and appreciation you have for your mother.

Picnic in the Park

Pack a picnic lunch of your mom’s favorite things. Pick a quiet local park to have the picnic. Spend the time talking and laughing about the things going on in her life.

Local Charity

This year, schedule a time with your mother to volunteer at one of her favorite charities. Some ideas are a local nursing home, taking items to a women’s shelter, or a soup kitchen. Let your mom know how much you appreciate her efforts with you and admire her giving spirit.

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