10 Lessons From Successful People: Learn From Failures

Who else wants to climb the ladder of success? Remember success laid the seeds of a failure, to be successful learn from failures and be con...

Who else wants to climb the ladder of success? Remember success laid the seeds of a failure, to be successful learn from failures and be conscious not to make the same thing happens. "Failure is the pillar of success". Define here what success mean to you.

10 Lessons From Successful People: Learn From Failures
IF YOU ARE do not like to be wrong, congratulations: you are not alone. But if you treat failure as an important lesson can be much quicker to come to success.
Table of content:
  1. Accept failure, but do not give up 
  2. Keep moving, even if the whole world is against 
  3. The success or failure is directly dependent on your perseverance
  4. Some setbacks help to curtail the right path 
  5. Believe in yourself 
  6. Error teaches 
  7. It is important attitude 
  8. Courage to be the motto 
  9. Do not give up 
  10. Success - Bug child
Also read: 10 Things You Must Give Up To Be Successful

Our life takes courage. And we started talking about this, because in life there are failures and mistakes. Do not mistake the one who does not do anything - wisely tells people's consciousness. But even wiser than the one who brings valuable lessons from their failures. These sages - successful people.

Thomas Edison once said that to commercially successful version of incandescent bulbs, he invented ten thousand failed. And the most profound truth of the story - that the scientist did not give up. Just as did not give those who suffered hundreds of failures, fall, hurt oneself forehead, he suffered losses and have not met support. It is because they do not lose the enthusiasm and strength of mind, every time they got up from his knees and began anew. And finally succeeded.

Today we decided to learn from those who have achieved great success. These people - businessmen, scientists, writers, artists, athletes - have shared with us ten lessons they have learned from their falls.

1. Accept failure, but do not give up

Michael Jordan once said: "I can take someone else's failure - all from time to time fail. But I absolutely do not accept when after the fall of man ceases to move. "

If every failure was the end of the road, we'd still be eating raw meat and slept on the stone floor of the cave. Failure - just an ordinary part of the path to success. Real courage is to not stop trying to reach the goal.

2. Keep moving, even if the whole world is against

Young Walt Disney once dismissed from the characteristic "poor imagination, can not generate ideas." It told of a man who created a great empire of the imagination, which causes choking with delight children everywhere. Lack of imagination, yes.

Continues to go to the goal, even if no one believes you. No one looks at the world at the same angle as you. They simply can not see what is available to your look.

3. The success or failure is directly dependent on your perseverance

One of the most famous Russian figure skaters, once said: "With every drop I'm getting closer to Olympic gold." The same mean Edison. Whether you like it or not, the failure - the engine of progress. It dips forced us to seek other ways of action. Every failure brings you closer to a happy ending.

In other words, bend his line, no matter how many times you stumbled.

4. Some setbacks help to curtail the right path

There are ice cream in the United States under the brand Ben & Jerry. Delicious presses, sorbets, frozen yogurt - all Americans love these goodies. So, Ben Cohen kicked out of college for academic failure and Jerry Greenfield failed the entrance exams at the medical university. They were going to be anyone, but not ice-cream vendors. Now they are cold desserts eaten by millions of people.

5. Believe in yourself

Did you know that Elvis Presley was sent many times plays home, saying that talent here and does not smell? And can you imagine a world without crazy rhythms, disarming voice and a happy smile? What would have happened if the young Elvis surrendered?

Success does not begin at the moment when someone takes you under his wing and helps you to go to the dream. The source of success - in your belief in yourself. Do not let anyone devalue their efforts, do not give others a chance to destroy your self-confidence.

6. Error teaches

Henry Ford supposedly said that the mistake - this is just a chance to start over, but with the mind. Edison would have agreed. Stumble, you get important knowledge about what to put here is not worth the leg. With each miss you accumulate experience of "how not to." The more in your collection of such instances, the fewer mistakes you have to, so you are closer to the desired result.

7. It is important attitude

Success - is the ability to go from slip to slip without losing enthusiasm "- Winston Churchill said. Twice prime minister, won the Nobel Prize for Literature, the brightest politician, strong men, he suffered five times as many serious blows of life, both in his career, and health-related. Fountain spurting energy and desire the good of their country courageously allowed him to cope with all of its false steps, omissions and misdemeanors.

8. Courage to be the motto

Silent film star Mary Pickford once said: "If you make a mistake, even the most terrible, you always have a chance to fix it, or start over. All that we call the fall, in fact, only a temporary impotence. "

The most terrible misdeeds - not a reason to give up. You can not live and do not make mistakes, it does not happen. Not only dead wrong. A live find the strength to courageously admit our flaws. As long as you're alive until you breathe, look forward and not let the common failure to bind your hands and feet. You have to move forward.

9. Do not give up

"In every failure contains a clue how to fix it. You only need to find a way to do it. If the road blocked the wall, find a detour "- the words of Mary Kay Ash. The founder of the world famous cosmetic brand known is talking about. One of the important lessons that presents any error - if the last path was wrong, get a new one. But would not stop moving to the dream.

10. Success - Bug child

One of the last British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said: "Each of my success is based on my failures." Man is so constituted that it is best to learn the lessons from the "minus" sign. No teacher is better than error.

Instead of cursing your luck, tell all your failures thanks. The good news is that the more they were in the past, the less is left in the future. Success is always waiting for you, but you have to walk to her.

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