13 Must-Read Books For Young to Adult Entrepreneurs

Make no mistake about what the best entrepreneurs read; entrepreneurial success requires continuous investment into your own education. Th...

Make no mistake about what the best entrepreneurs read; entrepreneurial success requires continuous investment into your own education. This is especially true for 51% of the 80 million millennials in the U.S. that currently own a business or say they want to be entrepreneurs. personally before i start my first startup I had read at least 6 books and out of all them this two books "The $100 Startup" and "This" helped me most to become a successful businessman today.

13 Must-Read Books For Young to Adult Entrepreneurs
Are you looking for solid resources; inspiration; tips that will help you start your entrepreneurial journey; insights that will encourage you to change your mindset, to pivot, to build your business and grow not only your audience, but your revenue, too? Oh yeah, and what about all that lifestyle entrepreneur stuff?

What is one thing the world’s wealthiest people all have in common? 88 percent of them read for at least 30 minutes a day (compared to just two percent of the general population).
Recommended to you: 10 Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

If you aspire to join the ranks of wealthy entrepreneurs, reading is an invaluable skill. Books lead us into new ways of thinking, help us push through the tough times, and teach us how to become successful business men and women.

From classics to new releases, here are five great additions to any entrepreneur’s reading list.

1. "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel

John Sculley, the former president of Pepsi and ex-CEO of Apple, tells Business Insider that his top book recommendation for tech entrepreneurs is "Zero to One."

Sculley, currently invested in a number of tech startups and who sits on the board of 15 different companies, says this 2014 bestseller by PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel is important for two reasons: It focuses on how you can harness technology to build a business of the future, and it enforces the importance of knowing what you're doing before you dive into a startup.
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2. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries

Eric Ries teaches readers how to develop their businesses and products faster. It’s a great book to read when you’re feeling like things are moving too slowly or taking too long.
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3. "Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World" by René Girard

Billionaire Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and the first outside investor in Facebook, loves the work of French philosopher René Girard.

Thiel first read "Things Hidden" when he was an undergraduate at Stanford University, he tells Business Insider. While he calls it "an intimidating book," it deeply affected the way he views the world and business.

Thiel says finds Girard's thinking on these two points especially powerful:

(1) Competitors tend to become obsessed with their rivals at the expense of their substantive goals, and because of that 

(2) the intensity of competition doesn't tell you anything about underlying value. People will compete fiercely for things that don't matter, and once they're fighting they'll fight harder and harder.
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4. "The Four Steps To The Epiphany" by Steve Blank

Steve Blank provides readers with actionable information about why some startups succeed while others fail. It’s similar to The Lean Startup in that it focuses on things such as rapid iteration testing assumptions.
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5. "The Effective Executive" by Peter Drucker

This is one of the three books that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had his senior managers read for a series of all-day book clubs. Drucker helped popularize now commonplace ideas about management. For example, managers and employees should work toward a common set of goals.

"The Effective Executive" explores the time-management and decision-making habits that best equip an executive to be productive and valuable in an organization.
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6. "Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business From Scratch, Naturally" By Miko Branch

Hair stylists and curly hair experts, Miko Branch and late sister Titi, became pioneers of the natural hair movement by creating their own product line. Branch offers practical truth-telling, in addition to providing helpful business tips. This is an invaluable book of instruction for aspiring entrepreneurs. When it comes to building a multimillion-dollar business from scratch with little money at the start, Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Business From Scratch, Naturally not only shows that it can be done, but also discloses what it takes to get it done.
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7. "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" by Ben Horowitz

Ben Horowitz offers key advice on building and running startups. He teaches readers how to confront the big problems that most business owners face at one time or another.
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8. "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand

Self-made billionaire Mark Cuban tells Business Insider that this book is required reading for every entrepreneur.

It's also a favorite of Charlie O'Donnell, a partner at Brooklyn Bridge Ventures. He says:

I don't know any book that sums up the entrepreneurial passion and spirit better than "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand: "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."

This books price only $6, Buy it now.
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9. "Start Something That Matters" by Blake Mycoskie

TOMs CEO Blake Mycoskie will helps aspiring entrepreneurs understand the importance of making a difference in the world when it comes to building businesses and products.
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How can management be developed to create the greatest wealth for society as a whole? This is the question Peter Drucker sets out to answer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Whether presenting a product or principle, service or idea, we all engage in sales. Zig Ziglar presents winning techniques for getting a positive response and establishing dynamic relationships.  
Paul Hawken demonstrates that the answers to small business problems today cannot be solved by college degrees, training or money—but only by you.

Nearly everyone harbors a secret dream of starting or owning a business. In fact, a million businesses start in the United States every year. Many of them fail, but enough succeed so that small businesses are now adding millions of jobs to the economy at the same time that the Fortune 500 companies are actually losing jobs.
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Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration is a book, written by Amy Wallace and Edwin Catmull, about managing creativity.

If you have any more best books to recommend us, please give it by commenting below and don't forget to share this post on social media. Thanks.

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