20 Best Marketing Strategic Tips for Consultants

A lot of marketing courses these days are focused on online strategies, search engine optimization and targeted online campaigns, however ...

A lot of marketing courses these days are focused on online strategies, search engine optimization and targeted online campaigns, however a lot of success is still about understanding the marketing methods focused at getting noticed and being in front of your target prospects outside the online world.
Consider the following strategies and the level of exposure you can gain from each, and determine how your consulting business can utilize them: 

20 Best Marketing Strategic Tips for Consultants
Image via entreprenoria.com
Also read: The 10 Most Common Online Marketing Mistake

  1. Media Exposure - this is where you have the power of the media behind you through articles, radio and television interviews and stories. The media is often the most powerful marketing mechanism, and can include paid advertising; 
  2. Speaking – this is the fastest way to make a personal connection in front of a large amount of people and to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.  The trick is getting in front of the right audience that comprises your target market and the right number of people given conversation rates will apply; 
  3. Strategic Networking – this means networking in a strategic way that comprises going to the right events, joining the right clubs and professional associations, finding who is on the attendee list, arranging to sit with them or chat to them or be introduced to them, connecting via media like LinkedIn and then meeting up with them for coffee and exploring opportunities of value exchange; (if you wish you may read 3 Secrets to Creating a Better Marketing Plan)
  4. Social Media – this is having a profile and frequent interactions on applications such as Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn, and ideally publishing on these mediums as well; 
  5. eNewsletters – this provides a means of reminding people you exist, and through adding value, demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, and sometimes even promote products, services and your expertise. They must be value adding and interesting to avoid people unsubscribing; 
  6. Expert Publications – this is about being published by Professional Association magazines, general magazines, research papers and even platforms like LinkedIn articles.  You need to have a commitment to writing about strategically important things that are linked to your own products and services and designed to build expert credibility and promote your branding all at the same time. You want to be shown as a thought leader;
  7. Direct Mailout – this is sending direct postal mail with value in it, and variations like what is called lumpy mail which includes sending a letter with something in it that makes it seem special, such a pencil and a sharper and a message saying – do you need to sharpen your business – tacty example, but you know what I mean; 
  8. Public Seminars – this is a great way to get in front of local audiences by providing free or low cost seminars and then selling or upselling from stage or follow them up after the seminar for interest in your business’ products and seminars; 
  9. Webinars – this is about providing online seminars and building a tribe; 
  10. Podcasting – this is about creating audio files that form online podcasts, which are audio files, for listeners; 
  11. You Tube – this is about providing video-based content on You Tube on your own channel and you can set up many different search words, including your own name, your business name and the title of the segment; 
  12. Subcontracting – this is where you offer yourself to another organisation as a subcontractor, where they secure the work, and you deliver it. This has benefits and negatives as although you get work, the  client is not your client, and your brand is not usually promoted or known to the client; 
  13. Panel Relationships – this refers to professional panels where you have been listed either directly or through a professional contracting service, effectively bypassing future tender processes and where members become aware of your business through you being listed on the panel and they can then  engage you directly.   Sometimes getting on these panels you have to follow a tender process; 
  14. Direct Tenders – this is where you apply in writing for a tender that may be advertising to everyone, known as a public or open tender, or otherwise to a select and known few, called a restricted or closed tender. These are obviously a hard and time consuming pathway, but sometimes the only way of accessing the big projects; 
  15. iPhone Apps – this is about creating saleable or free Apps for the use on iPhone and Androids that promote your brand through adding some value to the user; 
  16. Online or hard-copy Directories – this is about having a profile on directories that are used to look businesses up based on a predefined need;  (must read: 4 Ways to Increase Your Sales Skills and Skyrocket to Success)
  17. Testimonials and Recommendations – this is where clients provide testimonials and recommendations that are used to attract others in their network or people that are convinced that your work is high quality by considering these third party sources of endorsement; 
  18. Sponsorships – this is about strategic sponsoring events that portray your branding to attendees; 
  19. Strategic Partners – this is about building relationships with other professionals that can expand one another’s services through engagement and joint venturing; and finally 
  20. Referral Channels – this is where others refer you to prospects through their own experiences or through knowing you or your brand. Generally referrals can be asked for when you have done a great job for someone. 
So consider each of these 20 marketing strategies and see what works for you.

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