Body Language: How To Tell if a Woman is Attracted to You?
6:08 AMBody language is like a secret language that most men fail to grasp, even if she loves you; I mean if she falls in love with, you won't notice it. Female body language is loaded with sexual cues and women are much more aware of courtship signals than men are.
You just arrived in the bar and you are at the counter,
ordering drinks. You see a very attractive woman across the room,
looking over in your direction. She is smiling at you. But wait. She
could just have been smiling anyway and happened to glance in my
There are consistent and identifiable messages that women send to signal interest in men. Yet so many guys miss these signals or refuse to acknowledge them. Ask yourself, have you ever spent endless hours chatting to somebody you are attracted to, but still had no idea if they were attracted to you?
So many people worry about reading gestures wrong and getting rejected. Read below to discover some interesting body language signs of attraction and figure out the potential of your future conversations.
- Strong, confident and unwavering eye contact can be very powerful and often means the person is attracted to you or at least interested in you.
- If a woman is comfortable with a guy and is feeling sexy, she will tilt her head to show her neck or touch her neck frequently.
- The way a woman blows smoke out and holds her cigarette will tell you a lot about how she is feeling. If she blows downward, she may be feeling a little negative or suspicious.
- You can tell she’s feeling attracted to you if her nostrils flare. In fact, flaring nostrils are an irrefutable sign of sexual arousal.
- If she touches you while talking, that is also another of the body language signs of attraction. All men love the feel of a woman’s touch and she knows this. Probably the most powerful flirting technique.
- If you are flirting with her and she constantly leans in while talking or listening, then you can be fairly sure that attraction exists between you.
- Many women know that licking their lips is something that men find sexy. When she does this, a woman is telling you that she likes you and wants your attention.
- Copying the actions, gestures and gesticulations of the person you are attracted to is one of the obvious body language signs of attraction.
- Playing with hair can be one of the most obvious signs of female attraction. It is a very sexy gesture. Twirling and tossing draws a man’s eye to it.
- Feet play an important part in communication and can tell a great deal about the level of attraction involved. As a general rule, if you are standing or sitting and are attracted to someone your right foot will be pointing in their direction.
- The area at the back of your wrists is known to be mildly erotic. If the woman is interested, she will naturally display her wrists to you while she is in conversation.