How to Make Your Business Sound Unique (Even If it's Not)

The moment we dive into a new field or industry and get to know the competitive landscape, it’s almost inevitable that we have these kinds...

The moment we dive into a new field or industry and get to know the competitive landscape, it’s almost inevitable that we have these kinds of thoughts. 
You know what's depressing? When you realize that there are about a bazillion others in the same industry/business as you!
Don't lie, you know it feels a little depressing some times.
Did you have that realization yet? It's okay, I'm here for you. Go on ... go get yourself a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream ... I'll wait. (Omg the mint chocolate cookie flavor is the BEST!!!!!)
If you want your #business to stand out, samey words are the first thing to cut out.
Actually, there's no reason to be depressed! (But you can still go get some ice cream if you want!) You wanna know why? Because it's totally possible to stand out and be unique even when you feel like everyone around you is doing and saying the same thing. You're a photographer in a city of 500 other photographers? Cool! You're a massage therapist and there's 12 other massage therapists on the same street? Awesome!

Today I'm gonna share 4 things with you that will help you to express yourself in a way that is uniquely you and make you stand out from the crowd. Yep, you can use these 4 things to unearth your own individual awesomeness!!! And these 4 things are :::drum roll please::: in no particular order: 
1. Your Purpose -Ya know, what's your story? What's your reason for being?
2. Your Principles - What do you stand for in your business?
3. Your TribeWho do you stand for? Who are your ideal clients?
4. Your Frustrations - What pisses you off and frustrates you about your industry? (Or other products + services that your competitors offer?)
Alright, so HOW do you use these 4 things to make your business sound unique? Well, whenever you're writing your copy, (aka the words that you use to talk about or describe your business), pick one (or two or three) of the above things to reflect in it.
So for example, let's say that you're a personal trainer. (Who kicks some major butt!!!!) There's likely a ton of other personal trainers in your area AND many of them are likely using similar words to describe their services. Ya know, things like, "get fit fast", "loose weight and feel great," etc etc. You don't want to blend in and sound just like them right?
So by picking one (or more) of the 4 things above, how can you reflect that in your copy? Let's say you choose to incorporate "your purpose" and "your tribe." And let's also say that part of your story is that you're a busy student and that your ideal tribe would also be busy students. So by incorporating those two things into your wording you could say something like, "Fast fitness results so you have time to study," or "Slim your ass and all before class," (haha I crack myself up!) or "Quick training sessions to achieve A+ abs", (yeah sorry that was cheesy!) But you get the idea right?
Don't be like everyone else. Be a hot pink flamingo standing in a sea of white swans, baby!

Take it a step further and up the ante!

You can start being that unique pink flamingo by reflecting any combination of the above 4 things in the words that you use to describe your business and by downloading this checklist + worksheet! This handy checklist is full of things to check for and incorporate to make sure that your writing is in your voice, unique and effective!
Heck yes

HOMEWORK: (Yes there's totally a homework assignment with this post! But don't worry, adult home work is fun!) To get your creative brain muscles working, let's brainstorm a few taglines for a fictitious graphic designer. (There's a million graphic designers!) So let's help this poor graphic designer stand out from the crowd! Here are her 4 things ... 
1. Her purpose: To create simple, streamlined website designs with a handmade touch, 
2. her principles: bringing the unique personality traits of the individual out in the design and developing a lasting relationship with each client, 
3. her tribe: small creative business owners that make handmade goods and 
4. her frustrations: she's frustrated with the lack of personality in many website designs.

If you brainstorm a tagline for this fictitious graphic designer and share it in the comments, I will give you a pint of ice cream myself.
(Okay actually that probably wouldn't work out so well because mailing ice cream might be a botch, but I will MENTALLY give you ice cream.)
(Uhhh ... yeah I'm not making sense today. Whatever.)

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