10 Super-Low Cost Business Ideas You Can Start Under $1,000

For the entrepreneurs who are dreaming big but are on a small budget, here are a few low- cost business ideas to inspire that entrepreneuri...

For the entrepreneurs who are dreaming big but are on a small budget, here are a few low-cost business ideas to inspire that entrepreneurial passion.  You’ve always wanted to start a business. You’re tired of working for someone else, and you’d love the flexibility and responsibility of running your own company. 

10 Super-Low Cost Business Ideas You Can Start Under $1,000

Looking on how to start a small business but don't have much money?
The idea of starting a business can often be put aside because of insufficient start up funds. Especially in these difficult financial times, a lot of people find it too risky to cope with a big initial investment. Luckily for them, I have listed 15 business ideas (with bonus) which do not require an initial financial investment over $1,000.
Related: 10 Financial Tips for Startup Entrepreneurs

Low Cost Business Ideas to Start Under $1,000

Flower Delivery

Fresh flowers are a beautiful addition to any space but people often forget about them in their busy lives. Offer small local businesses a service, where you come in once a week with fresh flowers for a small fee on top of the flower cost. Spend some time clipping and arranging to make some gorgeous arrangements.

To start, take an inventory of businesses that might be interested and visit a second hand store to purchase a few nice vases for each office. Then fill them with flowers from your local grocery store (it’ll be more affordable than going through a florist) each week and take care of last week’s flowers.


Or you could go a more traditional route and write a novel or other book format and then work with a publishing company to offer your book or books in physical form. Though some don’t think of novelists and other author as small business owners, in fact they are contracted not hired by publishers and often retain ownership of at least part of what they produce.

Start A Blog

I know everyone and their brother is starting a blog right now. You may be an advanced blog reader or completely unsure of what a blog even is. Either way, it is really just an online journal that you can start for under $100. This is not a “make money quick” opportunity but it could be very good for someone who really has something to say. 

Did something happen to you that you feel could really help others to know about? Do you have a great niche idea that you think would make a great blog? If so, you can purchase a domain name, host your site and start blogging most likely all in the same day. 

Making money with this takes time. You need to collect email addresses, create a following and then you can begin to sell products on your blog, add affiliate marketing and so on. Of course all of this is work and it won’t happen overnight but it could be something to start while you are employed and work your way to financial freedom.
Related: Tutorial on How to start a blog with 40% off hosting

Car Wash & Detailing

Cars take a beating in the summer, with all the camping and beach trips and time in the sun. Offer a car wash and detailing session for a flat fee. Make a small investment and buy all the supplies you’ll need, including car soap, wax, dash polisher, upholstery cleaner, window spray and a small hand held vacuum. Watch a few tutorials on YouTube to really blow your customers away.
To start the business, visit some local small business offices and offer your services. You can take care of their car while they’re working and they’ll come out to a sparkling new ride. You might also be able to score a whole office worth of car washes!

Lawn & Garden Care

Everybody loves to have a beautifully manicured lawn and well taken care of garden, but it takes a lot more work in the summer months than the rest of the year and not everyone has the extra time. Simply mowing lawns can keep you pretty busy over the summer, but you can further your business by offering weed pulling, bulb planting and hedge sheering.

Print flyers, tell your friends and family and gather tools to start the business. To avoid buying supplies like a lawn mower, ask a family member or friend to borrow theirs for the season in exchange for free lawn care. You can read more here about how to start a lawn care business.
Also read: 10 Tips on How to Get Motivated as an Entrepreneur

Crafty hands

If you are someone who loves creating things – jewellery, apparel, desserts, paintings – anything at all, then it might be a good idea to channel this passion into a business. You will need to set realistic targets at first, but once the notion catches on, you might find yourself growing well beyond your wildest dreams. Since you are already pursuing your interest, there is not much of an investment to be made. Finding buyers is what you will need to focus on.

Become A Power Washer

This is a business that requires a bit more capital, but it is still affordable compared to most other businesses. You can even rent your equipment in the beginning to help you get started. Every shopping center, apartment building and commercial business (even some residential) can use a good power washer. Make up some flyers and go out and meet the property managers in person. Don’t be afraid to offer a discount the first time or something to get you in the door. Once there, do a great job and you will surely earn their business. What’s more, ask if they own or manage other properties you could clean or know of someone else who could use your service. That is the best way to get in the door – through a recommendation or personal referral

Pet services

On that note, why not start a business that encompasses all of the smaller details of pet ownership, such as taking pets to grooming or vet appointments, dog walking, pet sitting, and so on?
Mix and match services depending on what works for you; you could easily start a business involving full-service pet help, including walks, trips to the groomer, sitting during the day, and so on.

Soothe bridal worries

The wedding business is booming like never before, and there is no time like now to get your foot in the door. Wedding consultants are in high demand not just in the major cities and towns. If you have a sunny disposition and a great sense of humour, then you are likely to make it in this field even without any financial backing. The ability to think on your feet and the determination to fix things when they go awry are what matter most in this business.

Language teaching and practice

If you speak more than one language, you have a golden opportunity to start a business teaching a language, or holding language conversation practice sessions.
In addition to the resources above, check out this article by Tammy Bjelland, who started a language teaching and consulting business. If you’re wondering where to list your tutoring services, there are plenty of options beyond basic Craigslist.

Related reading list:
Top 10 Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make 
Are You Mentally Tough Enough To Be An Entrepreneur?
3 Basics of Successful Business Development

Bonus Five Low Cost Business Ideas to Start Under $1,000 or Maybe No Cost Business

App Developer

Mobile apps continue to gain popularity. So if you can develop those apps, you can create your own and sell it or even offer your services to other businesses.

Niche Blogger

Blogging gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and expertise in writing without requiring you to even leave your couch.

Online Ad Creator

Or you could niche down even more and focus specifically on creating ads for different businesses.

Online Editor

If you have strong communication skills but prefer working remotely and communicating mainly online, you can offer your services as an editor for bloggers or online publications.

eBook Author

If you have an idea for a book, you can write and self-publish your own titles on platforms like Amazon.

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