Top 20 Mistakes Must Be Avoided by Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur may very well be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. Everyone makes mistake but one major mistake can ruin...

Being an entrepreneur may very well be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. Everyone makes mistake but one major mistake can ruin your business at the beginning. For example; One very deadly mistake common among young entrepreneurs is the lack of vision. So what are the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs should avoid?  

Top 20 Mistakes Must Be Avoided by Entrepreneurs
Here are top 20 mistakes that startups make when creating a new business shared by many young entrepreneurs.

1: Not Having a Clear Plan or Vision

“The biggest mistake people make is not looking far enough ahead in your market. So many businesses are losing ground to new technologies as example, so think ahead on how to better utilize these new technologies. With the current recession, how many planned for it? Every business will go through cycles of growth and market demize, just as we are all now seeing, so again, think ahead, have vision beyond today is one of the keys to success.”
Also read: 6 Common Money Management Mistakes That Entrepreneurs make

2: Surrounding Yourself With People Who Don’t Believe In Your Idea

“Another mistake would be surrounding yourselves with people (whether by accident or because they’re family, etc) who don’t believe in your idea. You need to be around positive feedback all the time.”

3: Not Having Enough Money

“I think this is big for those businesses that have the incentive to only reap the benefits and not focus on the longevity of your venture. Taking out $10k now may prevent making $100k in a few months. Mindsets should not be “Yeah I own a business I make this much” but rather “Yeah I own a business, we invested in XYZ and were able to afford this new service/expand here/etc” Also, too many people plan on the basic expenses of starting up, and don’t think about the increased expense that come with a more successful, growing, developing business.”
Also read: 10 Biggest Cause of Business Failure - ENTREPRENEURS

4: Doing It All Alone

“Lots of CEO personalities think they have to be the answer to all problems, and this is not the case. Their pride and mindset of “I must live up to this role” is skewed and they may fail to tap the most important and valuable resources that surround them in their management team and affiliates.”

5: Not Seeking Mentors

“I think having a mentor – a much more experienced entrepreneur that can give you some valuable advice is so IMPORTANT…especially when you are a young and overly ambitious… and with so many challenges to meet on the way to success.”

6: Losing Momentum

“Being satisfied and content with functioning can lead to “big headedness” and false hope that it will always be this way. You need to constantly improve your product/service, research your around-the-clock changing market and competition, and promote innovation and forward progress amongst your management and team.”
Also read: 10 Tips on How to Get Motivated as an Entrepreneur

7: Not Marketing Your Business / Expecting People To Come To You

“A few mistakes that I personally made was the lack of focus on a targeted marketing plan, and the miscalculation on future expected growth.”

8: Not Looking At Your Competition

“I think it is a big mistake to start a business without really understand the market.”

9: Being Overly Enthusiastic and Not Having Realistic Goals

“A few mistakes that I personally made was the lack of focus on a targeted marketing plan, and the miscalculation on future expected growth.”

10: Not Thinking Survival

“Too many people think that so long as everything is done “textbook” and they have the proper set up, and plans down on paper, that they will succeed. Also, many people have the idea that it is easy to keep it up after they get an initial consumer base. Not true. small businesses are small fish in a big pond, constantly competing against emerging and growing bigger competitors that have the backing, both monetarily and resourcefully, to push them out of the picture.”
The remaining 10 common startup mistakes are:
* Doing It Just For The Money
* Not hiring right away
* Getting to year 1, past year 2
* Not getting involved in the community
* Working in your business instead of on it
* Going wide instead of deep into a niche
* Not using email marketing
* Having a lack of ambition
* Failing to network with others
* Growing too quickly

Article has been republished. You can see original article here.

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