A Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is more than just a career choice. It's a way of life. Because it consumes your personal life as well as your profes...

Entrepreneurship is more than just a career choice. It's a way of life. Because it consumes your personal life as well as your professional life. Have you ever wondered how it is every day in the life of an entrepreneur? How does an entrepreneur live actually? How they come across to the road of success? We contacted with one of the most important businessmen in our country to tell us! 
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A Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur
Enrique Giner has 40 years and is considered one of the leading many entrepreneurs. Owner of a company with more than 500 workers, says his work fills him with satisfaction.

"Every day my alarm rings at 6 am. Awake listening to the radio for important news, I take a shower, breakfast and at seven o'clock walk through the door of my office. I am fortunate to live very close, but even more would have to rise early. Once there, go over the front pages of newspapers as I take my second coffee of the day, "he says.
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After beginning their workday that can be summarized in meetings and more meetings throughout the day.

"I must meet with both the heads of major departments of the company, to know what are the latest developments, if something is not working properly, whether to take any important decisions, etc ... But also attend appointments with suppliers and business interested in purchasing our products, dedicating myself to trading and sales tasks, "he says.

In this sense, usually at lunchtime you have any food business to finish a deal.

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"Most entrepreneurs are still a bit old and prefer face to face. What better excuse for a meeting that a meal? To me, I personally like because it gives you the opportunity to better meet the person with whom you are going to establish a business relationship, "he says.

It had been 5, Enrique comes home but that does not mean that now go to rest, as it is conducting an online master.

"I think training is essential in the business world, so I decided to make the financial management EAE master online. So, I configure myself my study time and not feel pressured me "he says.

Of course, his favorite time of day is when it ends with all its obligations and can spend time with his family.

"My wife and my three children are very important to me and whenever I have free time I try to devote to them," he concludes.

 Also read: 10 Tips on How to Get Motivated as an Entrepreneur

So what you can learn from this man's daily life? Could you change your lifestyle to improve your business? We want to here your story, just comment below or email us, your story at (admin@onlinelivingblog.com) this email. 
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