How to Motivate Employees During a Recession
8:31 PMLearning how to motivate your employees will unlock their potential and lead to higher performance and a more productive employee. Instead of ignoring the pink elephant in the room, it’s vital to take
initiative and implement strategy to keep your employees motivated
towards a common goal.
The first and most necessary step is communication. During a recession rumors may swirl causing a level of panic and unease. Uncertainty sits in which propels employees to fear for their jobs, to fear for demotion or in a worst case scenario, that the company will crumble.
Informing employees of the situation at hand and explaining the steps the company is taking to combat market conditions will provide stability in the workplace. An example points to a recent commercial that was created by GM. The commercial addressed the situation GM is facing and explained that there was a time that their prior business model, which carried several brands, made sense.
Now the focus is on fewer brands that highlight efficiency and economies of scale. They admitted that their pricing structure could no longer compete. They admitted that restructuring was the only way they could survive. They basically admitted that they FAILED and are now having to implement a change in fundamental business strategy to compete once again. This was a very straight forward approach that not only addressed the condition of the auto industry but also gave a glimpse into GM’s direction and integrity.
During harsh economic times, employees will often feel that the company failed them or failed business objectives. When the company needs to shift its focus and change business strategy during a recession it can be a difficult transition and employees may feel they are in the dark. It’s imperative that employees are made a central cog in the process of refocusing resources and objectives.
Not only does this provide for additional perspective from an array of minds but it also empowers employees to feel that their opinion and ideas are worthy of consideration and perhaps integration. Empowerment is an excellent source of motivation and motivation is ultimately a central force in driving change in the workplace.
When company layoffs have employees chewing off their fingernails in anticipation of the big axe, it’s crucial to inform the remaining employees that they remain for a reason.
Only the strongest survive and hearing that the company feels that they are a core element in rebuilding the companies foundation towards success will also empower the employees; this is called recognition. Recognizing employees’ contributions and their place in the workforce reinforces their position and motivates them to continue forward despite the doom and gloom references.
Lastly, it is essential to identify your cream of the crop. This group can act as your mouth piece, prophesizing the company position and agenda. A disconnect can exist between management and staff so identifying the leaders among the staff and empowering them through additional duties and responsibilities can have a trickle down effect that changes the culture from dismal to positive.
Although recessions often result in a focus on numbers and expense reduction, it’s imperative to implement strategy to keep your employees motivated and excited for the brighter days ahead. After all, who wouldn’t want to be accredited for helping turn the company around?