The Most Frequent Errors In Advertising

There are many mistakes that can be committed in advertising and that make this advertising can be ineffective or contrapuntal. For this rea...

There are many mistakes that can be committed in advertising and that make this advertising can be ineffective or contrapuntal. For this reason, when planning marketing and advertising strategies have to take care of every detail.

There are many common mistakes when hiring an advertising agency, like hiring an agency with experience but nevertheless has something that is not needed or is not specialized theme, obviating companies that have less experience but a lot experience in the topic in question. It is also a mistake to hire agencies with functions other than advertising, error usually comes derived from another like trying to do a lot for little money. It is true that there are many effective strategies for little money, but there are others that have to devote time and you can not expect more than what you pay for because it can lead to poor quality in the advertising product.

It is not a good idea to hire advertising in a media outlet because its price is low and not by the number of users who come to him and the quality of viewers, listeners or readers. You can end up spending less money by getting no or little result rather than spend more money and get a great mass of people that can be converted into customers.

To save some money, you can fall into a lack of frequency of advertising that makes the message does not reach enough viewers. It is necessary to repeat advertising to put in the minds of consumers. If you want to reach people there to have a good frequency of advertising, you have to invest in it, but not to do so you drop the user.

Sometimes they are wanting to do more also committed many mistakes. Make announcements larger than that need not mean that the attention of more users, and the main thing will be the content. Nor should make large amounts of content or large messages, as too much information can lead to more questions or to think more.

Not customize the message is a common mistake of advertising, as many companies ignore the fact that according to the medium they address have to customize the campaign and message. A common mistake that is usually done in advertising is to imitate advertising campaigns that work well, mimicking an aspect that is often considered successful without analyzing why does your advertising or if it applies to advertising for the company itself.

Nor should create something so creative that does not get the attention of people, it has to be something creative but also to provide information describing the product or service and reach people through him.

Wanting to be so creative that do not reach people with the effects you want is a very typical error. Many campaigns focus on being imaginative, amuse or draw attention rather than the very objective of the campaign is to reach people and get more sales this way. Sometimes even want to be too creative, an advertising campaign can actually rupture out of context or saying unnecessary things. You need to be creative campaign but should be concise and consistent with what means, without unnecessary extras, is very important to look more content than anything else.

There are also frequent errors by confusing words or mistranslated or misunderstanding of words. These errors can be harmful in many cases. A very interesting example was when American Airlines wanted to promote the new leather armchairs and announced it as "Fly in leather" (Fly in leather, which can be confused with flying naked). Words must be measured so that they can reach all without confusion, should be so clear and concise messages.

A more common than may appear in advertising is not to track the results of the campaign and act according to their error. Many companies launch campaigns that work or do not work, but who do not follow them, so they do not know what works and what does not. Monitoring and analysis of results is extremely important in advertising, so we must pay due attention.

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