10 Ways To Become A Better Entrepreneur

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not something that happens over night. If you truly want to accomplish a goal, every desire detriment...

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not something that happens over night. If you truly want to accomplish a goal, every desire detrimental to that should begin to seem less enticing. A great way to evaluate how badly you want to achieve your goals is to ask yourself, “What am I willing to give up in order to accomplish this?”
We all want it don’t we? We want to get better every day!

It's a daily battle and decision to be the best version of yourself

10 Ways To Become A Better Entrepreneur
A business idea is worth nothing. A business, however, is really worth something! What’s the difference between the two? While an idea is just a seed in one person’s mind, a business is the result of collaboration between various people.

For your business project to come alive and be successful, you will need to bring people together and get them to collaborate. Whether you pay each collaborator or not doesn’t change anything. You have to let them use their own knowledge and their own ways of visualizing your project.

Successful entrepreneurs are tuned-in to their customers. They can adjust the smallest details of their product or service and how it’s communicated so as to obtain the optimal response from their customers.

No one wants to be the same for their whole life. In fact, if we do, we’ll just fall behind. We all know that friend who didn’t know as much as we did but got ahead of us quickly. It’s not because they were smarter, but it was because they improved themselves every day.
You too, can improve yourself and become a better entrepreneur if you follow these tested methods:

Develop your patience

Personally, I’m not a patient guy. So this makes me the best person in the world to advise you to be patient. I’ve often noticed the negative consequences of a lack of patience. It’s just as true personally, as in business.

In my workshops and speaking engagements, I often explained to entrepreneurs that business development brings delayed results. Translation, please! It means that the energy and money that you are going to invest in your marketing will bring absolutely nothing … in the short term. So patience is a key to success when starting up a business. You have to accept from the beginning that you are going to have to give a lot of time to your business project and vast amounts of energy. There will be a long dead period before things really take off. It’s essential to be aware of this latency period, so you can avoid constantly questioning yourself and wasting your energies. You just have to accept it, roll up your sleeves and continue the work. 

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Build a super team

Today’s most successful startups seem to be built by one person in the beginning but that’s not the case. Startups like Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Uber, Airbnb were actually built by a team of talented people. Although for Facebook you may see Mark Zuckerberg in the front, that’s just how the media makes it look.

But in reality there was a powerful team behind it. Facebook wouldn’t be where it is if Mark was the only person working on it, same with all the others.

Look for talented people who share the same vision. Vision isn’t enough to build a solid team and one person isn’t enough to build a successful startup.

Stay in exceptional shape & refuse to buy bigger pants.

The Latin phrase “Mens sana in corpore sano” roughly translates to  ”A sound mind in a healthy body.”  I’ve always liked that concept, because the two absolutely go hand in hand.  Your goal shouldn’t be the number of times you work out per week, it should be to feel healthy, energetic, & lose weight if your pants are too tight instead of buying new ones.  Productivity truly begins with good health. 

Do what you love

It is clear that as an entrepreneur, you’re not just doing what you’re passionate about. Of course not! You have to learn how to accomplish a whole range of tasks that will take you out of your comfort zone.
“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” – Denis Waitley
Also, from the start you need to understand that your company will need knowledge and skills you won’t be able to develop. You have your own personality; you can’t fulfill the profile of all jobs and professions! Even though I am constantly amazed to see entrepreneurs push their limits and get out of their comfort zone, no one is perfect in everything.

You have to learn to delegate and concentrate on your strengths. The good news is that your strengths are necessarily what you enjoy using. Your natural skills are those that energize you, make your tasks easy and pleasant; they make you feel vital.

Be aware of your “Blueprint”.

Tony Robbins’ discussion of the “blueprinting” process was brought to my attention recently.  Frustration occurs when your life as it is currently does not align with the blueprint or the vision of where you think you should be.  Simply being aware of this concept will lead to correcting your course away from the frustration & back towards your goals. 

Learn from other’s mistakes

The worst enemy of an entrepreneur is pride. Successful entrepreneurs have previously experienced monumental failures. If you can’t accept failure from the start, don’t begin your project. It’s the failures that build successful entrepreneurs, by bringing them knowledge and skills that are impossible to acquire otherwise. We call it life experience. It’s a simple as that. 
Learning from your own mistakes should be an automatic response. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about learning from mistakes that other people made. Why? Because, you can’t afford to make every mistake in your life. 

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” – Benjamin Franklin
Some entrepreneurs tell me: “There’s no way my project won’t work—it will be huge!” When I hear that, it’s often a very bad sign, because the entrepreneur hasn’t admitted the possibility of failure. In such cases, I ask entrepreneurs to write down everything that could go wrong with their project and to explain to me how they would feel when faced with bitter failure. Admitting the possibility of failing and experiencing failure are necessary paths to success. In the end, knowing how to get back up on your feet is all that counts!

Use the free project management application “Asana”.

Asana is my number 1 productivity secret, hands down!  Regardless of your project management software preference, you absolutely must use one.  The first step in becoming incredibly efficient is to become so busy that you have no choice. Then, use Asana.
Now it’s up to you whether you apply this stuff and improve or just hit the back button. It’s time to differentiate the true action takers from the readers. It’s time to improve and get better in a world where most people just talk and do little.
That leaves us with one question, Are you a reader or a doer? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Work less

Start-up entrepreneurs don’t count their work hours. They work non-stop and sometimes it’s just too much! Few people will tell you to work less. But I’m not shy or embarrassed to say it.

It’s essential to find balance between your project and personal life. If you don’t let yourself recharge enough in the different aspects of your life, your project will end up by taking over completely and you will no longer be effective.

It is important to take a step back and constantly figure out where you are. You have to make adjustments as needed. If the project is taking up too much space in your life, you’ll be indirectly harming its success.


Check if you’re on track

Are you sure you’re on the right track? Did you make sure your plan is working or are you just mindlessly executing? The problem with most people is that they don’t review their progress. They just plan out a “solid” strategy and then mindlessly execute it without checking whether it’s working or not.

If you want to be better than most entrepreneurs, then you should review your progress at least every month – preferably every week. Look at the data and ask yourself, “Am I getting the results I expected?” then take action accordingly. 

Learn to do open innovation

Let’s make life simpler for ourselves and not reinvent the wheel. This is the essential purpose of open innovation. It simply means to pool existing knowledge instead of constantly re-creating them from scratch. What knowledge would you like to integrate into your company? What information would you like to share?

All knowledge is expensive to develop. Your company can avoid many costs and numerous fruitless trials by acquiring innovations already established in other companies, organizations, or communities. Conversely, you can benefit from an innovation you have developed which is underutilized or unused.

For example, why not use an existing supply platform instead of creating a new network of suppliers? Why not share your production cost calculation Excel file? While there is extensive documentation on open innovation, the concept is simple: you just share. Whether for free or at a cost, just… share.

Among all the pieces of advice I can give you, one thing dominates above everything else: learn how to learn. Gradually become your own business adviser. Jot down notes on your company, your clients, your own attitudes and behavior. What do you need the most to succeed? What’s halting you? What excites you and helps you overcome obstacles? Learn how to take a critical and systemic view of your company, your collaborators and, especially, yourself. The success of a business start-up is entirely connected to its promoter or promoters, so this self-teaching capacity is crucial. That’s why the best advice I can give you is: develop your capacity to become your own adviser!

What are some of the best lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur? Let me know in the comments section below.

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