5 Ways to Transform Your Passion into Business

Do you planing to turn your passion into career? How do you turn your passion into a profitable business ? Imagine your very favorite activi...

Do you planing to turn your passion into career? How do you turn your passion into a profitable business? Imagine your very favorite activity. When you are 70, what do you think will be the things you wish you had done?

Imagine yourself at 70 years of age. What will you remember with pride? What do you think you wish you had done? Did you follow your dreams and your passions?

5 Ways to Transform Your Passion into Business
Many people assert that tastes should not be mixed with business, but I respectfully disagree. Money can only motivate you to some extent, but having a business that is based on something you are passionate about will help you stay strong in the ups and downs of entrepreneurial life.
Read: How To Become A Millionaire In 10 Easy Steps

In fact, following your passion can make you happy. One study found that a "harmonious" passion - an interest that becomes a fundamental part of your personal identity - helps to achieve psychological well-being and prevents internal conflicts.

Of course, enjoying something is not enough to pay the rent and that idea can make you think that undertaking with what you love seems a laughable idea.
However, there are steps you can take to start a startup with your hobbies.

1. Find a vacuum and fill it

See what they need other businesses and use your business to complement that gap in the market. Discover how you can change your industry and why it is necessary. Ask yourself how you can improve your sector.

2. Get used to leaving your comfort zone

Doing something you would never have dared before can be terrifying and uncomfortable. The unknown is the perfect excuse for not doing the things you want. Let fear drive you instead of slowing you down. The most fun thing of life is to test the limitations of one's own.

3. Practice for 10 thousand hours

The only way to improve your skills is over time. Malcom Gladwell advises: "Practice your passion for 10,000 hours to be a teacher and ask for feedback from connoisseurs to make sure you're doing well."

4. Be creative with money

A startup has more options today when it comes to getting investors (beyond millionaire contacts, bank loans or venture capital). First, develop a marketing strategy that details exactly how much money you need to get started. Then, use social networks to gather the support of your community and grow your brand. Use crowdfounding platforms like Kickstarter, GoFundMe or AngelList.

5. Start today, not tomorrow.

As the old saying goes: life is a journey, not a destination. Realize that success will not come instantly. Those 10 thousand hours of practice take time to accumulate, so you should start focusing on your project - passion right now. Define what works and what does not to transform your dream into a business plan that gives you profits.

With patience and innovation, you can find your passion and transform it into a company that will make you happier.

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