Social Media Marketing Trends 2017: Which is The Best Social Network For Your Company in 2017?

It's time to know digital advertising trends 2017 to grow your business. How did social media work for you as a digital marketer? What...

It's time to know digital advertising trends 2017 to grow your business. How did social media work for you as a digital marketer? What social media marketing trends 2017 are waiting business owner? Regardless of the results, we need to learn and take advantage of marketing trends in 2017.

I wonder, how fast the year has disappeared! It wasn't long enough to do our best in digital marketing, but I know we have tried to take our business to the next level. Huge business got success and many failed, but I hope work for digital marketing in 2017 will be more easy and helpful to everyone. Follow the social media marketing trends 2017 to become successful business owner.

For the past few years, I see Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and a few social media giant are controlling the trends in social media marketing. Now it's time to establish what the marketing trends for 2017 might be!

Here are the top social media marketing trends 2017 to continue your business growth.

Do you really know which is the best Social Network for your company in 2017?

There is not really a better social network than another, there is an affinity between your company and the audience and what is recommended is to use the social network that identifies with you and your users.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2017: Which is The Best Social Network For Your Company in 2017?
Social networks come and go, there are others that are consolidated, there are others that are fevers or novelties.
In reality Social Networks are a lodging in which we do not own our audience that can emigrate.
In this spirit and without even waiting for you to feel the post-vacation syndrome, today I want to tell you the next social networking trends for 2017. Procrastination is over!
Which social media network is best for your company in 2017?

Where will social media users go in 2017

My head is not gone, easy. Going forward to December social networking trends for next year can help you more than you think. The social networks that we are going to analyze accuse already consolidated changes that affect and will affect the contents. Do you want to wait to see what happens or be proactive?

Facebook is not dead (yet)

I can't remember how many times I've read that Zuckerberg's reign is approaching its end... And here we continue, using Facebook exactly like it did a year ago.
To be fair, something has changed and it is the use that millennial make of this social network. They no longer share so many personal stories, unlike their elders, but begin to share third-party content. Saturation of ego? We will see…
"Facebook Ads are a marketing trend for 2017 that is all but guaranteed to grow."

Instagram ads work

According to the image platform itself, 97% of the campaigns carried out achieved significant scope and exposure. And it is expected to increase thanks, among other things, to its new features, such as zoom and Instagram Stories released this summer and with a great success of public.
What do you think, Instagram or Facebook is the best social media marketing trends in 2017?
Read: 7 tips to improve Instagram advertising engagement 

More and more video

By 2019, video content will reach the staggering 85% of total searches in the United States. Its growth is unstoppable, as you've seen on Facebook, where users are increasingly sharing this type of content format.
CEO Mark Zuckaberg, has stated that by 2019, 80% of content on Facebook will be video.

Snapchat will revolutionize advertising

Already the owners of this social network were delaying in profiting their huge and young audience.

The challenge? To introduce in the social network the technology that allows to recognize the images shared by the users to serve advertising chord.

Facebook users are older, is not it?

With 1.5 billion monthly users, it seems that Facebook will continue to dominate the landscape in terms of users and engagement. Despite rumors that millennials leave this social network, the reality is that the figures don't accompany this statement.

82% of American users between the ages of 18 and 29 demonstrate an active pattern in this social network. What is happening, then?

The answer is that millennials share less personal information on Facebook, opting for other social networks that "seem" more private, such as Instagram or Snapchat.

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The public character that Facebook has acquired has caused many people to reduce the amount of personal information they share, choosing to publish more general content such as information and videos from third parties.
"If it's hard to understanding the best social media network for your company in 2017, you should ask help from professional digital marketers."

Ideas for the Facebook contents in 2017

Instead of pledging to promote advertising in this social network, for next year we will have to set as objective the design of relevant stories aimed at fostering engagement. Better if they are in video form.
In addition, content cured begins to take more and more relevance in Facebook, where it will become next year in the ideal option to attract new and better followers.

Instagram as the next great protagonist of visibility

As we said at the beginning, the contents for Instagram have demonstrated in the course of 2016 a great efficiency.
Since its launch in 2015, the Facebook platform has hosted more than 500 global campaigns and currently has more than 200,000 advertisers.

Some experts predict that ads on Instagram along with Google and Twitter will provide a whopping $ 2.10 billion in 2017. Incredible, right?

Social networks evolve rapidly. When brands are just getting accustomed to the characteristics of a platform to develop their marketing strategy, the rules change completely and must adapt.

These anticipated figures are the result of Facebook's announcement that advertisers will be able to use the advertising tools in Instagram's ads, including of course personalized audiences, which will allow them to segment the audience more effectively.
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10 Steps to Building a Killer Marketing Campaign

5 Habits of Successful Social Media Marketers

What guarantees are there for these ads to be profitable? At present, 97% of the campaigns have seen positive results. By combining these good results with the functionality of personalized audiences, brands can reach smaller segments of audiences, optimizing their investments better.

What do you think, Instagram or Facebook is the best social media marketing trends in 2017?

Ideas for Instagram content in 2017

If the figures accompany, Instagram will undoubtedly become the favorite of advertisers in 2017. Let's not forget that the publicity that has triumphed in 2016 is mainly carried out by companies in the retail sector, that is, those of selling products to consumers Final

If your SME belongs to this sector, you are certainly in luck. Instagram can help you in 2017 gain more visibility for your brand through advertising campaigns.

Instagram Live is different in that once you finish a live stream, it immediately disappears!

Video enhancement

According to the aforementioned eMarketer report, in the next four years we will see significant growth in this content format. Thus, the estimates speak of an increase of 184%, going from 9.9 billion dollars to 28,080 in 2020.

The most spectacular increase of recent times, advancing social networks by more than 20%.

Although you do not need more data to convince you that the video will be the next big thing on the internet, I will mention a Cisco study (if you can read it completely, it is not wasteful) that states that video represents 80% global. That is, for every 8 videos that are consumed for answers, only read 2 entries or articles in a blog.

Ideas for videos in 2017

So things, I'm afraid that, or we start paying more attention to the video, or we'll be losing a lot of the attention of the user.

The problem? The usual, the budget. A video can be up to 10 times more expensive than an ebook without straining too much, which makes it probably the most expensive content format.

But not all is lost. We can consider as mixed video as animated gifs or videos based on still images that don't exceed the budget of an infographic.

Finally, note that the video no longer belongs only to the private hunting ground of YouTube. Facebook is transforming its structure and its functionalities to give more importance, where the shared videos (like those of Buzzfeed Tasty) reach numbers much superior to those of YouTube.

Read on marketing trends 2017: 20 Ways to attract more customer

Snapchat and advertising, love in sight?

I do not discover gunpowder if I tell you that Snapchat has been the hit of the year, everyone knows it. Although many claim that it is breeding ground for harassment and that social network security is more than doubtful, trademarks (and users) worship the yellow ghost.

Among the factors that have favored its proliferation, the very short videos of 10 seconds and that (supposedly) their expiration is guaranteed.

It is especially known among the youngest, where its use reaches 76% of the total of American users. In the United States, 41% of the population uses this application, which is a whopping 150 million people, the vast majority under 35 years.

For marketers, a dream come true. However, reaching out to users is not so easy. As the platform is updated with new features, such as enhanced chat or filters, so do the ways to monetize.

As of today, you can only find ads on the "Discover" tab. As an alternative, many brands seek to create their own audiences with channels that get organic visits.

But that is not all. According to some leaked documents, the platform would be looking to integrate the technology of image recognition between its functionalities, in theory to improve it, but also to get economic performance.

So, for example, a user who took a photo of a coffee while consuming it, could receive bonuses from the cafe where he was drinking. And not only that, you could also apply filters associated with brands that would reward you according to gamification techniques.

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Having said that, we begin to suspect that the predictions for the next years are not chance and that (evidently) may have to do with the "supposed" leaks. Among those predictions, it is estimated that the platform will reach 500 million advertising revenues, when in 2015 it barely reached 50.
What do you think, Instagram or Snapchat is the best social media marketing trends in 2017?

Ideas for Snapchat in 2017

We don't know if these possibilities will materialize in 2017, nor the price they will have. What is clear is that thanks to this technology (whether Snapchat develops it or another network) will be able to create new ways to connect with the public, which will always include content as protagonists.

For the moment, creating an audience around the brand remains profitable. How long? I'll tell you in 2017 ...

This helps to put the spotlight on a number of marketing trends for 2017 that I believe will most effective.
Do you tell me your ideas for next year when we are almost beginning the last quarter? If you are thinking of launching a content campaign, don't wait until 31st December.

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