How To Find Long Tail Keywords Using Google Keyword Planner Tool

Ranking high in search engine for popular keywords is a very hard task. However using Google keyword planner to do a long tail keywords res...

Ranking high in search engine for popular keywords is a very hard task. However using Google keyword planner to do a long tail keywords research can rank you high on Google search and other search engines. Many bloggers using this and also called Google AdWords keyword tool.

So, How to use long tail keywords finder for free? The best free keyword planner is Google keyword planner tool. Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field.

How To Find Long Tail Keywords Using Google Keyword Planner Tool
Long tail SEO is a technique of targeting highly specific niche search terms (long tail keywords examples) that usually consist at least four words (Here is a: Long tail keywords example). It is much easier to do keyword research and find your targeted search terms using Google keyword planner.

Whether you are a new blogger, webmaster or a pro, it's better to target long tail keywords. Because it will improve you search visibility quickly, and also you will get the more targeted customer. Another benefit of using long tail keywords instead of short tail keywords are the visitor who finds your website are more likely to use your service or buy your product, because of a little competition in search marketing field.

Needless to say, short tail keywords can give you tons of traffic for its enormous search volume, but that visitor can be not relevant to your blog/website. Unlike this, long tail keywords in a blog can help you to get the real customers and of course many visitors too. 

Keyword research tool like AdWords Google as free SEO tools should be your
First choice for to improve your Google search ranking. In fact, this will help you to get rank high on Bing search and most other search engines. Isn't it awesome to use long tail keywords for your blog?

Why use long tail keywords?

Both Long tail keywords and Short Tail Keywords are important for bloggers and webmaster. Search engine marketing is one of the top methods to get organic traffic and real customers.  
  • You can find qualified search terms for your niche blog
  • You only getting traffic who can use your service
  • Traffic from long tail keywords in search is more likely to buy products in their first two websites, according to a survey of OLB.  
  • It's less competitive and lower cost when it comes to online advertising. 
  • Specific long-tail keywords in your AdWords campaigns, you can get higher ad rankings on relevant searches without having to pay a premium for every click.
  • There are many SEO service tools to use for sue free. There is much long tail keyword finder to use for free. However, if you are new, I suggest you use Google keyword ranking planner. (Later in this post I'll show you, how to find long tail keywords using Google Keyword tool.)
  • Unlike other keyword suggestion tools, returns a virtually unlimited number of keywords, including multi-word long-tail keywords, for use in your organic and paid search campaigns.
Summary: Using long-tail keyword variations in your marketing campaigns is a win-win: better search rankings, more qualified search traffic, and lower costs per click.

Long tail keywords are must need to rank a website/blog or a particular post/article. Also, you can’t rank them only, you need to produce quality content for that keyword and build some relevant and authoritative backlinks to your post. In this post, I would like to show you how to find the long tail keywords for SEO.
Also, read:  

How to find long tail keywords for your blog:

Finding long tail keywords is not a complicated process. You can find long tail keywords using different ways. You can use keyword research tool or Google search to find long tail keywords for your blog.

How to find long tail keywords using Google Google keyword planner/ keyword generator tool:

Many tools are available to find long tail keywords. Some of the themes are free, and some or paid tools. One of the best and free tools is “Google keyword planner.” Using this tool you can find profitable keyword. Google Adwords providing this tool for the advertisers. Anyone can use this tool.

Google Autocomplete Keyword Tool / Google Suggest Tool

I would like to recommend this method if you are a newbie blogger or webmaster. This is the best, easiest and efficient way to find long tail keywords without losing anything from your pocket. Also, this one is the fastest way to work with SEO tool.
  • Only go to 
  • Start typing into the search box
  • Search any keyword that you want to find relevant result 
  • Google will start suggesting search terms, just like it does for real searchers.
  • i.e. type "google keyword" in the box, Google will show you appropriate sentences to look for. See the image below to get the exact idea.

How To Find Long Tail Keywords Using Google Keyword Planner Tool
As you can see in the picture above, Google is suggesting terms based on what people use to look for. Scale this approach to your business type, and you will find a lot of long tail keywords.
According to Google,
“Keyword Planner has replaced Keyword Tool. With Keyword Planner, we’ve combined the functionality of Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator to make it easier to plan search campaigns. That’s why Keyword Tool is no longer available. You can use Keyword Planner to find new keyword and ad group ideas, get performance estimates for them to find the bid and budget that are right for you, and then add them to your campaigns. We’ve also added several new features with Keyword Planner.”

Google keyword analysis tool AdWords

Google keyword planner offering it up for use only to AdWords members. To use this free service you need to have an AdWords account. Don't be panic, as long as you have Gmail account, you must have an AdWords account too. You just need to log in and then access as AdWords admin.

How to use Google Adwords for keyword research?

Here are the steps you need to follow to become a search marketing expert with free SEO tool:
  • Sign in to AdWords ( You will need to log in with your existing Gmail account, if you don't have one, you can create it for free. 
  • You will be asked for starting your first campaign. Follow the process step by step instructed by Google team. (Don't worry, you won't have to pay anything)
  • You will be suggested with a few keywords automatically by Google based on your website. You can remove those keywords and or edit/add more.
  • Write a new "keyword" you want to use. Google will show you the organic search result.
  • Click on "More like this"
  • Now you will find more relevant 4/5 keywords. With the amount of organic search on Google. (Monthly search volume)
  • Now you can add more by clicking more like this again. Do this until you get satisfied. 
  • You should choose very relevant keywords for your business. 
  • Here is a direct link to go to Google Keyword Planner (use this instead of typing again)

How To Find Long Tail Keywords Using Google Keyword Planner Tool
Search engine marketing is the most excellent digital marketing method for bloggers, and Google is the search giant so targeting Google is priceless to use on researching for your next blog post. But Google AdWords Planner is not only the free keywords planner. There are much more SEO tools which are doing well for planning keywords for big and most major brands.

Check the organic terms you rank for

So you noticed that you are getting massive traffic hitting daily on your blog or website. But do you know where they came from? How did they find your site? Social media or search engine? If its search engine then for which term of search they find your blog? Find out the secrets. For which keywords, your blog is getting traffic. Use your google keyword planner account linked with words, locate the search terms your website goes viral or top on Google. There are another great and easy to use the tool provided by Google (this one also free to use) to retrieve organic keywords. Perhaps you already knows about this, by in-case you missed trying the google webmaster tool.
  • Login to Google Webmaster tool
  • Read the left side menu bar
  • Click on "search queries" and get the result.
  • You can find more information using this tool you will be needed.
More benefits of using Google Webmaster tool:
  • You can see Geographical Traffic,
  • time spending on your pages
  • Paid Search traffic,
  • Organic Search,
  • All referral site URL (including social media), 
  • Internet linking and external linking 
  • Google search appearance on Desktop, Mobile, and more other devices 
  • New visitor and returning visitor
  • How they like you website 
  • Visitors activities in internal pages
Organic traffic is highly competitive, which means the keywords you rank for are long tail gold. I strongly recommend you to focus on "long-tail-keywords-for-ranking-high-on-google-search."

Use The Keyword Tool to Run Your Competitors’ URLs

Whenever you run a website through the keyword tool, you will get a list of keywords that Google considers right for that particular site. You might come across terms you did not think of. This method has the advantage of helping you figure out long tail keywords related to the topic of business, but it tends to suggest slightly more expensive keywords than you would normally expect from a long tail.

Use Third-Party Tools to Get Inspired

Look to third-party software and tools for new long tail keywords. Like Google keyword planner, paid keyword research tools are also available on the digital market. And you can be pretty sure many of them are worth their price in comparing with the value (price). I prefer to use "SEMRush SEO tools" for my research for my own blogs and other competitor websites. “Long Tail Pro” is another good and trusted third party keyword planner and works best for finding long tail keywords for google and bing search
If you are interested in using any paid SEO tools, I would recommend you to use SEMRush, trust me it will be your most exciting discovery beyond your online experiences. You can use it for 14 days trial, and buy it if you like. I have a 40% discount for my readers, you can give a try. Here is the link to signup for SEMRush with 40% discount.

Wrapping-up how to find long tail keywords using Google Keyword Planner Tool

It's not always about getting visitors to your site, but about getting the right kind of visitors. Always remember, The longer the search terms are, the more accurate keyword it is. And it increases the chances of conversion of your audience and blogs. 
In the history of marketing, there has never been such a low barrier to entry in understanding the motivations of consumers in virtually any niche.
I agree with many another pro blogger that Google keyword planner is the best free SEO tools for beginner bloggers to have a good start. If you use Google keyword planner, this will definitely help you to rank high on Google search result including all other search engines.

How To Find Long Tail Keywords Using Google Keyword Planner Tool
But if you want to be an advanced professional blogger, who wants to make six figure income from their blogging, who wants to make serious money with their blog, SEMRush is the best way to become an advanced professional blogger. Using SEMRush will save you from going down to SERP and improve blogs SEO quality. It will save your tons of time which mean you can use those time in other marketing or writing purpose.

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