
The Secret to Greater Productivity Setting the Timer: Infographic

New Ways of Working is all about organizing work for better productivity and making conscious choices and better decisions about the culture...

New Ways of Working is all about organizing work for better productivity and making conscious choices and better decisions about the culture and technology we surround ourselves with at Work. What lead to greater worker engagement and more fulfillment in our jobs?

The below article and infographic were originally published at bplans.com, you can read the original article here.

Have you ever wanted to use a word, but were told not to? In marketing there are certain buzzwords that are considered faux-pas. They are called fluffy, “hype-bloated” (not sure if that’s a real word, but I read it somewhere) and just plain overused.

Productivity. It’s getting to be that kind of word.

It’s everywhere in business; everyone wants it, needs it, talks about, and fluffs about it. Yet, the productivity of today is quite different from the productivity of years past. Evolving processes and technology have already made us so much more efficient in work than we used to be.

It all began a long time ago when the workday was managed by using the sun and bell towers, and long days—10–16 hour days—were not uncommon. But by the 1990s, the productivity of an American worker was considered triple that of an American worker in 1900, despite the decrease to a much shorter eight-hour work day.

So since everyone is already so darn productive these days, how can a business actually be more productive, and not just participate in the fluffy, “hype-bloated” use of the word?

Well, through our extended research of time tracking, productivity, and the workplace, we found a few ways—and we share all the dirt in our Tick Talk infographic:

How to become more productive? The Secret to Greater Productivity Setting the Timer: Infographic
Editors note: Let me show you how to increase your productivity and get far more done in far less time. Its all about setting you mind, setting a perfect goal, and done with a well planning. Everyone needs down time—ample opportunity to relax, play, exercise or just take a break. This is especially important for children. It also gives them a chance to reflect and to create and consolidate ideas.

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