5 Practical Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

How to increase your emotional intelligence? How do you build emotional intelligence?   Being talented and persevering is essential to succ...

How to increase your emotional intelligence? How do you build emotional intelligence? Being talented and persevering is essential to success. But where are your emotions left? Here are some keys to improving your emotional intelligence and increasing your chances of success. Ready to put them into practice?

Imagine a person extremely talented and cunning, excellent to sell and expert in making financial projections. Ah, and also, with proper spelling and an image that projects security. Anyone would think that it has everything to achieve success and stay there.
Not necessarily. Now imagine that same person eternally stressed, with an enormous ease of irritation and little ability to listen to others. It does not sound so good anymore, does it?

5 Practical Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
We have long begun to understand that success in life does not depend exclusively on our IQ. Not at all ... there is something in the human being that makes the difference, allowing, under the same conditions. Some to be better at dealing with those setbacks that from time to time put our lives, as challenges, of stones in the road. People who are able to see the difficulties from another prism broader and not delimited by that dark tunnel that blinds us and sometimes blocks us.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is much more than the ability of a person to smile all the time: it's the attitude we have in our daily lives , and will allow us to largely meet the challenges, opportunities and the pitfalls that may confront our deal. Emotionally intelligent people can manage their emotions for their benefit, and they do not let them dominate them.
The Emotional Intelligence allows us aware of all those inner impulses that enrich us and sometimes disturb us to the point of not knowing how to handle. This is a set of capabilities that we can develop to improve, for example, our empathic attitude, or to cope better with pressures and frustrations responds as a kind of intelligence that we can develop and improve, we can learn and train.

Emotional intelligence development plan

Therefore, within reach of all of us and it is in our hand even to educate our children in this kind of knowledge about emotions, which in the long term will give them greater possibilities for personal development. 
What if we go over some of its concepts to take them into account in our daily life ahead? So how to improve emotional intelligence? Let's check out the five best practice to improve emotional intelligence with less effort. 

How to develop emotional intelligence

Whether you are looking for being more productive by developing your emotional intelligence, probably you are doing this for your business or office work. Here are the answer: how to improve emotional intelligence in the workplace


We must be aware that emotional intelligence can be applied to all areas of our lives but first requires that we have some knowledge of ourselves and our behaviors, know why we react or think in a certain way. It is advisable to ask questions like Why do I act like this? Why do I have these beliefs? Try to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, maximize your positive aspects and realize that only you own your life, and therefore you are also responsible for finding your own happiness.
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With an optimistic vision, success and happiness are easier to achieve. The optimism requires you to know recognize not only your good qualities but also that of others, try to make the best of stressful situations that daily arise in our lives ... Make use of humor as far as possible and convince yourself That any difficulty, is sometimes a moment of opportunity to improve as people.
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An open mind, capable of receiving multiple arguments, ideas, concepts, and experiences, resulting in an enriched mind that knows how to manage your emotional intelligence. Life is full of nuances and subtleties that also need to be taken into account, being closed to this kind of details will certainly hamper the complete understanding of our reality ... It is always good to write down our thoughts and ideas and do a little Of self-criticism of those visions, of those conceptions.


Empathy is necessary to know better the people around us and to be aware of their realities, dimensions that sometimes do not differ much from ours. For it is always advisable not only to "put us in the shoes of whom we have in front," but also to ask questions such as "I would like to be treated this way? Does this person deserve to suffer these difficulties? What would I do if I were in his place?
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Having excellent communication skills is a good step to also have high emotional intelligence. Try to be always sincere, respect the comfort zones of your partner to avoid reaching the conflict. But always transmits your impressions without covering them up, also notice the body positions of others when they stand before you to understand those signals are not sent. So spoken Expressions, movements, sometimes say much more than words.

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