What is the Importance of Storytelling in Content Marketing Strategy

Use storytelling in your contents to get advantage on advertising and marketing. Storytelling is not intended to be a “selling” tool; it...

Use storytelling in your contents to get advantage on advertising and marketing. Storytelling is not intended to be a “selling” tool; it's a method of building customer engagement. But storytelling boost content marketing strategy and engagement for brand promotions.

To get your readers hooked with your posts and articles, try to tell stories that make them feel identified.

If you have an ear to what is happening in the world of marketing and business, you will surely have heard the phrase "content is king". In fact, many industry experts say content is going through a golden age and companies have noticed. Yahoo is strengthening its digital strategy, Vox Media continues to expand companies and BuzzFeed seems to be taking over the world.

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Content Marketing Strategy
For many, the key factor to stand out from the crowd is to focus on storytelling (another word that is very fashionable). This strategy not only creates a sense of urgency in the reader that invites you to continue reading but also enhances your brand and presence. In addition, by telling stories, customers are more apt to feel connected with your company.

If you still do not fully understand what storytelling is and how it works, here's an explanation:

  • What is storytelling?

Storytelling is one of the best ways to share and interpret stories and offers effective learning and a call to action. One of the best and unbeaten method to expand your business & brands.
  • Why use stories in blogging?

Stories create curiosity and interest, which are powerful tools for attracting readers to read, share and comment. Storytelling attract blog readership and help to keep engage them.
If you are able to successfully add storytelling elements to your blog posts/articles you are 10x time ahead in blog marketing.
  • How do stories help in marketing? 

Each brand has a history. It is not a brand that becomes viral; Is the story that revolves around it. And this story is carefully placed in slogans and marketing copy. The importance of storytelling in content marketing will never be fade, big brands who are established by now, had to create their own stories and they are still doing this.
  • How to tell a story? 

Storytelling is about finding your voice, expression and something to tell. In blogging, storytelling is about sharing your experiences, mistakes, journeys, achievements or anything else that matters.
  • Where to start creating storytelling for marketing? 

Create a scenario. In fact, it is the basis of history. This means that you must define the place, mood, and context in which you will start and continue.
Here are the steps of storytelling:

1. Create a scenario

  • Start with an interesting phrase like "A few days ago", "Guess what?" Or "Did you know ...?". 
  • Share an experience that impacted your life 
  • Tell about something from the past that you remember 
  • Communicate to your audience as if they were in front of you 
  • Make the audience feel part of your writing

2. Introduce the characters

In blogging, "you" (the reader) is always one of the characters in the story. You must be the narrator, protagonist and even antagonist if you dare. Introduce yourself in few but influential words.
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3. Create suspense and curiosity

This is where the magic happens and where your blog is important. Before you get to this point, you were just creating an introduction, and then you are heading toward the conclusion. This part should have an element of suspense and a curiosity to keep users involved.

4. Dissolve suspense and curiosity

After you've created your surprise element (anything like a discovery, experiment, research, or opinion), you must dissolve your findings into facts, data, figures, graphs, and reference links that prove your point.

5. Design an outcome

I always emphasize creating an end with a call to action. The outcome must be powerful and have such an impact that it opens the door to discussions, suggestions, questions, recommendations or acknowledgments of the readers. You want the readers to think it's worth sharing it, giving it "I like" and socializing it.

When you have these five elements in your writing, your content becomes a more enjoyable reading. Using stories in blogs, marketing guides or guest posts is a great tool because it lightens the atmosphere that surrounds a heavy and difficult subject.

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Content Marketing Strategy?
You can't neglect the importance of storytelling for blogging success and you digital marketing strategy.

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