
10 Things You Must Do To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

Running a business can be challenging, Working hard always wins but sometimes not. Learn how you can become a successful entrepreneur this ...

Running a business can be challenging, Working hard always wins but sometimes not. Learn how you can become a successful entrepreneur this year and always ever. Set your new year goal to be more productive and get the output from your business success. 

What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur? Do You Have Them? What decisions must an entrepreneur make when starting a small business to become successful? 

As always, this time of year start is an excellent opportunity to set goals for things that we want to do better than we did the year before.

Although it seems clichés, the new year is always a good time to assess where we are, and we have to do to go further. That is why, although it may seem absurd to make New Year's resolutions, I think it's important to give us the opportunity to fix these new goals and work to achieve in this new period.

10 Things You Must Do To Be A Successful Entrepreneur
As entrepreneurs, we have so many things that we want to make, that sometimes it can be difficult to choose the most important goals, that's why I want to share some musts that every entrepreneur can have for this year (and always).
How to become a successful entrepreneur? Always seeking for the answer to this question? We have posted a lot of articles to help you being a successful businessman, I hope all these and today's article will help you to achieve your business goals.
Read: How to start a business from scratch 

10 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

1. Thrust the nailing.

Obviously, if I have not decided to undertake, this has to be the first purpose. What is holding you back? Whatever the answer to this question, put an expiration date, this year has to be yours, and will not be if you do not take the first step. 

2. Know your client better. 

How much time did you spend last year really knowing your customer? I do not mean to see Facebook statistics, or even to do surveys by email, how many times did you go out into the street and have you had an in-depth conversation with your customers?
Those that have been, are not enough and the key to a good solution is to get to know those who need it.
Also read: Six ways to grow your business this year

3. Learn more about your team. 

You are growing, you are no longer alone in the company, during the last year, you had new hires, and you are building a team, congratulations! The question is how well do you know them? Your team is letting go of other opportunities to be with you, you are delivering the most valuable thing you have: your time.

If you want your company to transcend, you have to go beyond having a good relationship in the office and really understand their motivations, their pains, and even the skills they have that maybe they did not have ideas. This year, invite one by one to have a coffee and start with a very simple question: how are you?

4. Learn something new. 

You have become an expert on your topic, you take so much time dedicándote and thinking about your area of expertise that you feel and mastered, great, but how long you learn something new do? When was the last time you did not take a class or read a book of something that you have no idea? Learning something new is always exciting and it takes you a step ahead to achieve success in life. 

The new year is great to get the goal to learn something different time, it can even be something completely unrelated to your company, maybe it's a different skill as a quick read, or perhaps on a true leader like Gandhi. You never know the lessons you can learn when you leave your comfort zone.
Also read: 10 Things You Should Never Do With Your Employees

This year, I set the goal of learning more about these four themes:

  • Blockchain and Bitcoin.
  • Winston Churchill.
  • The conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • Google for Entrepreneurs.
  • What are the new things you want to learn? I'd love to meet them.

5. Try something different. 

In your company have become experts in their product or service, your customers are happy, are even generating social impact. At the end of last year, you finally felt like you were having fun right? 

Excellent, this is the time to start looking for new ideas, how are you going to innovate this year? Maybe you expand your offer to the same customers, or perhaps you come to a new segment, or maybe you have to completely reinvent your offer, remember that if we do not reinvent ourselves regularly, we can become obsolete. 
Also read: 10 Time management tips to become an entrepreneur 

6. Organize you better. 

You had a great year, you have been growing and creating many new things, but the truth, you are a bit of a mess.

Take advantage of this start to organize things better, maybe your folders in the campus (how many folders of "written" or "various documents" you have hidden there?), Or maybe it is finally down to paper that process that you have been replicating several Times from your head. Whatever your version of Monica's closet, this is your time to order it and start the year with a clear account. 

7. Read more. 

This has been one of my purposes for yy yy years, and always seemed to be short, however in 2016 I finally managed to double the number of books I read the year before.

I was reading 4 books on average (it's already very low), but last year I finally went up to 8, so I'm euphoric. This year my goal is to read 12 books (one a month). I really think there are things that we just can't learn if we don't stick to a good book, so if you want to keep growing as an entrepreneur, unpack that book that is accumulating dust in The shelves of your house for a couple of years, your time has come.

Tip: something that has helped me to increase my reading time was my Kindle, I know I know, is not the same as reading a classic book, but let's face it, there was reading anyway.

Now I'm even trying something new, the "audiobooks" of Audible, do not count them on my goal of 12, but if it is a good way to attack those books that just do not get. 
I'm starting a new experiment, an "Entrepreneur Reading Club" if you want to join, you can do so at this link.

8. Jump early from the office. 

I know, you love your job, in fact, you don't even see it as work. Believe me, I understand you, then you don't mind being out at 10 pm from the office three four or even five times a week, You are very lucky because you actually found a place where your work is your passion.

This really is incredible, but remember that the cost of being locked up in the office may be to let go of opportunities you will not find unless you leave. Maybe this means time with your partner, take a new class (see point 4), Read more (see point 6), or maybe it's just to see that series you left on your Netflix wish list. 
Common characteristics of successful eEntrepreneurs: Whatever it is, think of the benefits it has:

  1. Being more relaxed will improve your productivity and
  2. you never know where you can get the inspiration for the next great idea. Perhaps John Snow, Moby Dick or Winston Churchill who help you solve this big problem that you left the office at 7 pm. 
Also read: 5 Ways to Regain Motivation When You Are Discouraged

9. Take more vacation. 

Did you know that Mexico is the country that we work the most every year according to the OECD? Last week I was in the offices of Social in Chile, where I discovered that during the summer, everyone in the office working from home on Fridays and end earlier.

At first, this seemed very strange to me, but when I remembered the figures of the days worked a year, and I saw how the whole Chilean team was more relaxed and happy, I realized that it was time to prepare that little trip to the beach that I left pending last year.

Again, it seems counterintuitive, as an entrepreneur you love what you do, and you are willing to sacrifice vacation, right? Remember that, in the long run, the cost of not resting the necessary will affect your results and also, you never know where the inspiration can come. Maybe your next big idea can come to you while you breathe fresh air up on the beach, or while you take a pina colada on the beach. 
Also read: Why you should spend time alone, and it's power 

10. Break it! 

Let's be honest, we are not undertaking to see "how it goes," we want to eat the world, and if we are social entrepreneurs, change it. 
So 2017 is your year, take it, give it 110%, get up, take risks, leave the jersey on the court.

Sweat and blood are the best energy drink for entrepreneurs, the world is full of people who do things halfway and what we really need are people who are willing to break it to make a difference, if not, better or try.

This new year is full of possibilities, so hopefully we'll give it all!
What are your purposes? I'd love to meet them.

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