
How To Increase Speed of WordPress Site: Ideal Page Load Time

You can reduce page load time for your blog using WordPress site speed optimization plugin. Leverage browser caching in WordPress using fr...

You can reduce page load time for your blog using WordPress site speed optimization plugin. Leverage browser caching in WordPress using free WordPress plugins. Eliminate render-blocking javascript, css and all unnecessary coding to speed up your WordPress website. 

How to improve website page loading speed?
Web page loading time can dramatically impact your website ranking and conversion. We will learn in this article to reduce web page loading speed and boost the WordPress performance.

How To Increase Speed of WordPress Site: Ideal Page Load Time
With a 56% share of the market, WordPress faces important challenges to continue maintaining that supremacy without losing its charms and continue to attract the critical mass that consumes it.

  • What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS), a program that allows you to create and manage web pages for people without technical knowledge. It's easy to use in advanced mode without having technical skills.
WordPress has both free and premium service to manage your website. While I'm writing this, WordPress is the most popular CMS program according to webmasters and pro-bloggers. 
Also read: A Guide to WordPress A/B Testing through Google Analytics

Why Should You Increase Speed of WordPress Site?

For any project that uses WordPress as a content pusher, aspects such as on-page SEO and usability have to keep abreast of content, without forgetting that Google matters these aspects a lot.

The task of accelerating WordPress is part of an entire process of optimizing and improving the performance of the dynamic content manager most used by bloggers, marketers and end users who do not necessarily have technical knowledge of the medium but require speed loading above all else.

Is the web page loading speed so important?

The answer is a blunt if, because users have devices with high Internet access speeds and are true consumers of content, so diligence in loading content to consult is a determining factor to ensure the permanence and avoid the Exit of the visits of a Web page. If you are looking for starting a wordpress blog, read this tutorial.
  • Reduce web page loading time for your WordPress site (or even if you are using any other CMS, you need to increase page loading speed) to attract more visitor and customer. 
  • Website with a lower page loading time has the higher rank in SEO.
  • Customers, visitors, blog readers are more likely to come back again on the same website if they have great user experience. Increased page speed time helps you to build good user experience.
E-commerce sites are most negatively affected by the slow load derived from poor site optimization, template level, plugins or content. We attribute to WordPress problems of speed when in most cases the plugins, developed by third parties, are often the cause of the slowdown of sites.

This type of websites, which mostly work with WooCommerce, are most affected by the abandonment of shopping carts, not necessarily for price reasons, but rather by a bad optimization of the checkout, with access steps, which end In the abandonment of the process.

How can you reverse this problem?

How to increase speed of WordPress site? Mainly focusing on optimization, reducing the number of requests to external sites and focusing more on content, minimizing the number of widgets and additional surface elements that can be considered vanishing points of the visitor's attention. Use WordPress site speed optimization plugin for make it more easier.

The content is king, but the optimization and usability can not surrender in favor of this because it serves to publish an excellent post if the rate of dropouts or rebounds is high because of poor optimization of site load.

The key tool to know the behavior of a web at the speed of loading is Google Page Speed

Cache content

Caching is nothing more than combating network latency by storing content, especially those that are static in nature, so you do not have to load them over and over again each time you are queried.

A user who visits a website, when it returns to the web to which it acceded, the browser extracts those contents stored in the cache of the navigator, instead of asking them back to the server. Storing that information in the browser cache saves time to the user by reaching the contents faster, decreasing traffic on the network.

In WordPress, there are tools, from third parties, that allow you to manage the content caching in a simple way for the administrator and transparent for the visitor so that the loading of content in the browser is done immediately and in most cases without The user perceives it.

Plugins oriented to content caching in WordPress

  • W3 Total Cache 
  • WP Super Cache 
  • Comet Cache

Image compression plugins

  • TinyPNG 
  • WP Smush.it 
  • Lazy Load

HTML, CSS and javascript Minimization Plugins

  • WP Super Minify 
  • Fast Velocity Minify

Optimizing the database

Not every improvement of a WordPress site necessarily falls on the use of load acceleration plugins by caching, minification or compression of static, since the optimization of the database is a factor to be taken into account in the equation of the web page speed of load.

In the database of any WordPress installation, in its different tables, many useful records are housed, mostly content centric, others in the storage of configurations and some of them are records of garbage or "orphaned data" of the Which we must detach ourselves periodically.

The optimization of tables in a database is nothing more than a fragmentation of records, debugging those that are not associated with anything, eliminating them or compacting others dis aggregated in different tables that share records.

The more purists may prefer to use the tools of the Hosting Panel as phpMyAdmin but for the profane and less erudite it is advisable to make use of plugins like WP-Optimize or WP-DBManager, which help to maintain the tables of the base Optimized data and to eliminate pingbacks, trackbacks, and other data that fatten the database.

The results are immediate:

  • 4 reviews of deleted entries 
  • 1 automatic erase deleted 
  • 1 item removed from trash 
  • 0 spam comments removed 
  • 0 comments removed from the trash 
  • 0 unapproved comments deleted 
  • 20 transitional options deleted

Optimized database!

Accelerate WordPress site, be introduced with the best WordPress caching plugin, Don't be the WordPress slow admin. Increase website speed wordpress plugin can be found for free here. and wp performance score booster premium plugin here.

All plugins don't equal worse performance

A widespread concept among users and administrators of WordPress sites is that the excessive use of plugins ends up directly affecting the performance and load of the web and consequently slows down.

This is still one of the many myths that circulate on the Internet, and although this article does not pretend to prove it, it would require a post just to expose and refute them, it is true that a lot of WordPress sites currently operate with More than 20 or 30 plugins installed and active and their load times oscillate between 1 and 2.5 seconds, which is a quite acceptable time.

It is possible to find WordPress installations with just 10 plugins installed and with serious loading problems, with time greater than 3 or 4 seconds, and in turn find sites with 40 or 50 plugins installed and active and with loading times not exceeding 1,5 seconds.

Also read: 10 Thoroughly explained SEO Facts

Is it correct to say that more plugins increase the web page load time? 

It is not something that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no" since bench-marking will be necessary for sites of similar characteristics, with specific plugins and where load measurements are made from the same servers, but in short, no It is correct to attribute the slowdown of a website to the number of installed plugins. In my experience, you can increase web page loading speed by using various plugins as you want or love them.

To achieve an acceptable level of usability when installing WordPress, you have to spend time analyzing which combination of plugins performs best with the installed theme so that only balancing the use of plugins with content caching techniques (also using plugins) Can achieve charging times of less than 1.5 seconds.

Accelerating WordPress is possible, is relatively simple and is achieved using well-developed themes, reducing the use of plugins and widgets that make external requests.

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