12 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Do you have any effective time management strategies?   Time management is not tough as a concept. You might be able to improve your time ma...

Do you have any effective time management strategies? Time management is not tough as a concept. You might be able to improve your time management skills effectively by having a proper distribution of your working hours. In this article, you will learn, "what is the effective time management? And what you need to know about it."

It always happens to you: procrastination, the times that run off, more work accumulated. Another day is over, and you feel that it has not yielded anything. You've added more outstanding items, and you're exhausted. If you feel identified, perhaps it is time to evaluate the efficiency of your management time.

12 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills
It is often said that it is the resource distributed with greater justice: 
We all have 24 hours a day. If you don't know where you are going, these tips can help you to organize yourself:

How can you improve your time management skills?

Whether you are reading this to improve your professional life or personal, I'm pretty sure these twelve right piece of advice will help you to manage your time.

1. Build a grid of times:

You can not master what you don't know. Even if you think that task will take even more time, it is a necessary step to x-ray the problem and map solutions.

2. Plan:

Prepare a list of all tasks. Estimate how long they will take you and when they are needed. Set priorities. You can help with an agenda, an application or an excel sheet. Reserve a time for unforeseen events.
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3. Analyze:

It is important that, when listing your activities, take into account the times and energy they carry. Some tasks, by their nature or by the people involved, require an additional effort; Others are simpler. To perform certain jobs will depend on data that have to be given by other people. Plan when you need to request the reports, you need and set a date. Consider it in your planning to schedule the work when you have the information available.
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4. Observe how you feel throughout the day:

There are times more appropriate than others to perform a task. You may be clearer in the morning to face a job that takes a lot of attention or choose a time when you know that you will be calmer or prefer the night to concentrate. Considering this point will allow a distribution more in line with your psychophysical disposition and will make your time management more efficient.

5. Difference the urgency of the important thing:

The important issues are those that should keep pace with your planning and those that should focus your best efforts. It should not happen that a significant issue becomes urgent. If you have planned, important issues don't reach this state of emergency. But if it happens, prioritize it immediately.

When you plan and have clear the jobs that will lead you to your goals, you will be more alert to the emergence of urgent issues. If it is urgent but not important problems, and it will take you a moment to do so, you can use the space allocated for contingencies. If the topic takes a long time, as it doesn't matter, surely you can leave it and insert it in the middle of two important tasks, when possible.

Finally, the issues neither necessary nor urgent, you can intercalate in a few minutes free or directly, as far as you can, release them.
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6. Detects your time thieves:

The telephone, the email, interruptions of people you work with, additional meetings. As far as you can, filter the calls with another person, who takes the messages. Turn off automatic notifiers. Assign intervals to check email and messages. Consider with criteria which demand an immediate response and which you can answer at another time. If replying to an email will take a considerable amount of work, explain briefly that you will analyze the subject and incorporate it into your planning.

7. Learn to say no:

There are people trained to ask you for tasks that don't fit you and that, many times, they must do them. Identify them to be aware and prevent them from happening again. Be kind, but firm.
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8. Know Your Distractors:

Whatsapp groups, messages, calls. Have you thought how many times per hour you interrupt your task to look at the phone? If that is your problem, leave it in silence and decrease the frequency with which you consult.

9. Review your concept of multitasking:

Today the ability to perform several tasks at the same time is well considered. But this does not mean that you have to jump from one thing to another: this way you would only lose concentration. You must achieve the plasticity necessary to attend to different matters in such a way that, with your participation, they will advance towards its resolution. Some will require a call, others will ask for information or make a claim. You should monitor your progress and intervene when necessary.

10. Beware of perfectionism:

If you have this tendency, there will be no time for you. You must do a good job at the right time and not a perfect job that will never end.

11. Try not to dilate:

Many times, you leave aside unpleasant tasks or that you don't like. As far as possible, these are the first ones to do. While they are pending, they will take away much energy, and you will be worried because you have to do them. If it is not possible to avoid them, it is best to end them.

12. Incorporate solutions that streamline your tasks:

If the operational issues in the management of your enterprise take away time, in the market there are management systems that will help you simplify your work and allow you to recover hours and attention to creativity and rest.

When you have continuous work ahead, much of your mind is occupied with this procrastination and the day yields less. Training time management requires the exact combination of planning and flexibility, but it is a skill that can be developed if you put it forward.

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