4 Harsh Truths That Will Make Your Business Grow

Being really honest with the business helps us make better decisions. Write your truths, believe me, you and your business will thank you. ...

Being really honest with the business helps us make better decisions. Write your truths, believe me, you and your business will thank you.

Yes, it is true that we can learn from the experiences of others, especially if we are good observers and we know how to listen. But the reality is that there will never be better learning than that which comes from a situation that we live or experience in our own flesh. 

4 Harsh Truths That Will Make Your Business Grow
I have been saying for a while that I have learned more in the year and a half that I have as an entrepreneur than what I gained from the 20s to the 30s. And it's true! I think that by giving up and leaving that comfort zone, you just get more upset and go confront the truths of life. 

And I am convinced that if someone else does not tell us, we are hardly going to take them seriously. To keep them in mind, here are four truths that will make your business grow.  

1. Without self-motivation, we are screwed

We are all constantly seeking sources of motivation. And not only for work and for business, but the reality is also that we look for them for all aspects of our life. And the truth is that we find those sources out there or we try to hang on someone else. That if the family, that if the diet, that if the sport, that if the holiday, et cetera. When the reality is that being motivated depends solely and exclusively on ourselves. It is a state of mind that only we can control and nourish.  

Being motivated is not a one-day-a-year thing, and that's it, this is everyday work. I am convinced that knowing how to drive us means that we have a better attitude, greater security, greater ambitions, a desire to grow and simply bring us closer to achieving that goal. Being motivated and making it depend only on you, causes immediate results. 
Also read: 4 ways to improve business

2. It is always better to say yes although sometimes you do not want to

Of course, you have to measure risks and always do it wisely, but when there are situations where you have to go for yes or no, I have learned that it is better to say yes. 

Usually, we are very busy, we have little time, and we are so focused on a task that we leave opportunities to avoid deconcentrates. That if you are invited by friends to throw the shell on Tuesday night and gives you laziness, that if you ask for an appointment the friend's cousin to talk about a business or if it is your grandmother's birthday and you have to go and cut the Cake, etcetera, etcetera.

To all this, it is better to say yes. By saying yes, we create opportunities, and the truth is that something good will always come out. No one ever got rich staying locked in his office. Of the "yes" you hardly repent of the "no" almost always, do not you believe it?
Also read: 7 Tips to Improve Home Business Productivity

3. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the party and the weekends

Actually how committed are we to achieving that goal? The reality is that we are half hypocrites. We all want to reach natural results and apart, as long as they happen from Monday to Thursday, right? I'm not saying that we have to work 20 hours a day and not leave the office until we get what we want, but it's a reality that sometimes we have to be willing to sacrifice certain things to achieve our goals. If you are not prepared to make sacrifices, then do not complain because you have not reached the result.

4. If you want to advance and grow, you have to read

It is impressive how we still do not realize how society, which in reading is the key to accelerating our growth. And I include myself because of the truth, I was one of those who did not read and I'm sorry to say. But today I consider reading as something fundamental and more for someone who is starting a business or looking to start.  

The information there is, it is our responsibility and obligation to access it to learn something new every day. Reading gives us greater perspective and automatically increases our chances to achieve our goals. We have to stop pretexts and start reading. I assure you that reading always adds up and never remains.
Also read: 8 Commandments of Business Success

Most of the time we are not 100% honest with ourselves and, without a doubt, the first ones to whom we would have, to tell the truth, is ourselves. 

Being really honest with the business helps us make better decisions. Grab a paper and a pen and write your facts, believe me, you and your business will thank you.

As always, all comments, suggestions, and criticisms welcome.

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