The 8 Reasons Why I don't Have Money what should I do

If you don't have money what should you do? You can't have money if you don't pay attention to it. Don't need to be rich to...

If you don't have money what should you do? You can't have money if you don't pay attention to it. Don't need to be rich to have financial freedom. Can't get out of the financial hole? Maybe you are falling into these mistakes. Avoid them!

First of all, I would like to clarify that I know perfectly well what it is to live with so little money that you don't know how you will survive the rest of the month. And this is a very typical situation. Many people live from fortnight to fortnight, wondering why the money they earn is not enough for the expenses, much less to save or invest.

The 8 Reasons Why I don't Have Money what should I do
In my personal experience, I have discovered that if you have money problems, it is because you have problems with money management, not just because you don't have enough money income.

Here are eight reasons why you don't have money:

1. Live with Mom

Many people live relatively close to their parents and depend on them to solve their economic problems. If you want to generate money, you must cut the umbilical cord. This means, stop feeling that Mom and Dad are going to rescue you whenever you "screw up" with money. You are not saving by living with them, you are losing opportunities. My financial life did not change until I moved out of my parents' village at age 29.

2. You have economic illiteracy

Most people do not have financial literacy. Many people go to college and don't know the most basic economic terms. The economy is defined as the management of resources of home. Managing means knowing how to handle everything you need to survive, especially in adverse circumstances. Generating your own money means playing the offensive in the market.
Also read: How to Save Money by Appreciating What You Have

3. You have the budget blocking mentality

Spending all your time trying to include every penny you have in a budget is a surefire way to not have money. Saving to save is useless if you don't have an investment strategy. Not putting your money to work means you are playing defensively instead of taking the lead.
"If you have money problems, it is because you have problems with money management, not just because you don't have enough money income."

4. You believe in politicians and Santa Claus

The idea that a politician will come to rescue the middle class (with you included) has been tried and failed again and again for the last 50 years. Almost all economic indicators prove it, you can not wait for someone to rescue your financial situation if you don't start doing something for yourself.
Also read: 10 Financial Tips for Startup Entrepreneurs

5. Suffers from economic apathy

People have become apathetic about their finances. They don't like to see their statements, but the fact is that you can not have money if you don't pay attention. Admitting where you stand economically is the first step to getting ahead. Ignoring that you have a problem will not make it go away, it only makes it worse. My wife and I got together to see the status of our accounts every week.

6. You feel that you are superior

Many people don't work because they refuse to do the jobs they feel are not worthy. Not only I mean the individual who expects to receive manager salary when he has never worked, but this phenomenon is also given at the executive level. Everyone wants to be the CEO, the manager, but nobody wants to start by being the salesman.
Also read: 5 Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Make

7. Compare yourself to others

If you think your financial situation does not require particular attention because you are not starving yourself, you are mistaken. There is no greater economic suicide than justifying the position in your pocket saying that you are not so bad. True, perhaps you could be much worse, but not daring to think ahead will prevent you from growing. 

8. I complain all the time

Every day I see people complaining because they have to work from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon. The reality is that an entrepreneur is ALWAYS working and a people with sound financial security is always willing to work harder.

If your economic situation stinks, you must admit it. The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem, while the second point is to stop blaming others or depending on others to solve your financial problems. Confront who you are and pay attention to your savings, accounts, and financial statements. Dare to work as hard as you can and put your financial life in order.
Also read: 5 Tips That Will Make You A Better Investor

Money is not the most important thing in the world. It certainly will not make you happy. But neither truth justifies not having money to take care of your family and forge a heritage.

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