What Does Leadership Look Like In The Future?

In a few years, the best jobs and businesses will require commands with certain skills that, under the current educational model, are not t...

In a few years, the best jobs and businesses will require commands with certain skills that, under the current educational model, are not taught. Universities must undergo a radical transformation in the next 10 years if they wish to continue to exist.


What Does Leadership Look Like In The Future?
According to Elon Musk, my six-year-old daughter will say in 2040: "Dear parents, I'm going home. I bought my Mars-Brooklyn ticket on SpaceX cheaper than on Blue Origin! I arrive in 90 days. Love You! ".

Since the 60's, we are promised flying cars, but this time it is different. Today, computers do complex but specific human activities: they win in chess (IBM Blue) and Go (DeepMind / Google), drive a vehicle (Google, Tesla) or diagnose diseases such as cancer (IBM Watson). Soon the neural networks of Google DeepMind, Amazon Alexa and Facebook will be able to overcome simple but general mental activities, like the habits.

For Tim Urban, editor of waitbutwhy.com, and according to Moore's law - which says that every two years the number of transistors is doubled in a microprocessor -, by 2035 a computer of US $ 1,000 will have the same capacity as the one of A human to process data per second. And by 2050, it will surpass that of the human race as a whole.

Marc Andreessen and Benedict Evans - from Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm that invests in technology companies - are predicting that software and smartphone will be eaten around the world. Do not bet against him.


Legalzoom.com uses algorithms to replace lawyers in the United States. 3D print robots build houses in 24 hours, with no humans involved. The surgical robot DaVinci has a much better pulse than the best surgeon in the world. Google DeepMind creates art and music without a human behind.

All professions, from lawyers, engineers, doctors, artists and business managers, among others, must master the technology or submit to the mastery of a robot. Companies without technology will fail. But equally, artificial intelligence developed on Google, Facebook and Amazon is possible only thanks to the business of advertising and commerce. That is, technology can not survive without business. Thus, business and technology are areas of codependent competence.

Therefore, the entrepreneur and/or leader of the future requires analytical, scientific and design thinking ability to detect problems, analyze data and solve quickly. Such skills are generally known as emotional intelligence. Artificial intelligence will cost a lot to beat the emotional.

By the way: Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg honed their mastery of business models, technology, and emotional intelligence. The result? The top five capitalization companies in the world.
Also read: 5 Things the Successful Leaders Do Every Day


If you compare a photograph of 1916, when the Ford Model T competed in the street against horses, against 2016 with a space rocket landing on a platform in the middle of the ocean, it is clear that the world changed on almost everything.

But a photograph remains the same: a classroom in 1916 and one in 2016. A teacher in front of students sitting in line, a test of memorization and an accredited degree that guarantees how many hours the student spends sitting in front of the teacher. The greatest threat to planet Earth is the current educational system, an expensive, inaccessible and unfair factory of common knowledge. The world needs to raise the bar.

Luckily comes a radical transformation. Pedagogical models that mix online with offline (known as flipped classroom) where the teacher is now a mentor. Real-time evaluation models with interactive feedback, personalized education and adaptive to the learning speed of the student. The end of the exams and the beginning of digital rubrics to validate the domain of competencies. The end of the degree and diploma that prove that the student sat for hours in a classroom. The great validation and accreditation of higher education begin its deserved extinction.

Business and technology do not care about titles. Artificial intelligence, either. Only the domain of competencies matters. The question is no longer whether you prefer a title to frame or master skills; The question is whether you want to work for a robot or if you want to be a leader of the future.
Also read: 10 Simple Concepts to Become a Better Leader


To meet the demand for skills and competencies of today's and tomorrow's organizations, Collective Academy (www.collective.academy) was created, an academic institution that is rethinking higher education to make it more relevant, more top quality, personalized and Accessible price.

Instead of being adapted to be officially valid by the SEP, its master's in Business and Technology is designed with a pedagogical model focused on accelerating the professional career of young people, based on the latest technologies and the development of competencies, which includes contents of the Best Universities in the world, mentors and expert coaches, real-time evaluation and coworking spaces such as salons.

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