12 Tips to Improve Productivity at Work

How to work more efficiently for increasing productivity for maximum profit? Tracking and limiting your time to organize personal & prof...

How to work more efficiently for increasing productivity for maximum profit? Tracking and limiting your time to organize personal & professional practices is critical to get done more with less effort.

Every day, your work environment exposes you to a multitude of sources of distraction, causing you to lose precious time without you realizing it.  

12 ways to be more productive

12 Tips to Improve Productivity at Work
If you're having trouble keeping your concentration, here are some tips and tricks that will surely help you get through your to-do list in record time:

Take breaks

This may sound counter-intuitive, but it works! Studies suggest that taking breaks at regular intervals throughout a day's work is critical to productivity. The magic formula? Work for 52 minutes, then take a break of 17 minutes. Plan your tasks in order of priority and organize your schedule accordingly.

Eat citrus fruits

In addition to providing daily vitamin C intake, research has shown that citrus flavoring can also help to make a person more vigilant.

Stand up

Staying seated all day ensures that your level of concentration will decrease from hour to hour. Not to mention that it is not at all healthy, as much for the body as the spirit. Getting up regularly, if only for a few seconds, contributes all the more to a good blood circulation.
Also read: 10 Very Harmful Habits You Must Eliminate From Your Daily Routine

Watch A video chat

As if you needed a reason! But a study from 2012 showed that looking at a cute video could help increase the level of concentration. Just do not abuse the right things!

Try the "20-20-20 Method."

The man is easily stressed and over-stimulated. Allowing the brain to take a break from time to time is therefore no longer necessary. The 20-20-20 technique is to look at an object that is about 20 feet from us for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This exercise will also allow you to rest your eyes, which is strongly advised if your work requires you to fix a screen for extended periods of time.

Schedule your meetings at 3 pm

The stress coming with preparing an early morning session does not help anyone. The best time of the week to hold a meeting, according to a study, would be at 3 pm on Tuesday. The time is sufficiently late in the day so that you have had a chance to accomplish your most important tasks without giving you the impression afterward of having to make up for lost time.
Also: 7 Power Poses That Will Make You More Successful At Work

Even better, hold your meetings while walking

A little exercise, fresh air, no computer. what more? Holding a meeting while walking would stimulate all the more the creativity of the people present, also, to increase their well-being.

Take deep breaths

This will help you relax and reduce your stress level. Even a few breaths will make you more serene. And a relaxed person is always more productive!

Disable your alerts

Alerts on your smartphone will distract you for sure. Today's culture pushed us to perform several tasks at the same time, but it turns out to be much harder to complement one. Turning off alerts on your phone will help you stay focused and overcome your to-do list much faster.

Rearrange your to-do list

There is always a task that you continually postpone, giving you the impression that you never overcome all you have to do. To get you out of this vicious circle, set a specific schedule for your tasks rather than just recording and performing them according to your mood.

Take a nap

Several studies suggest that taking a nap of 10 to 20 minutes during the day would significantly improve mood and increase productivity and concentration.

Leave office work

Technology has reduced the boundary between work and personal life, which can reduce your productivity during the day. Checking your inbox 24 hours a day and completing tasks outside of work hours can lead to exhaustion, and sometimes even burn-out.

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