Australia's own Jurassic Park - A unique find all over the world: Australian aborigines have kept a secret for years
9:12 PM"A unique find all over the world": Australian aborigines have kept a secret for years, but researchers have learned this: "Australia's own Jurassic Park" the researchers call the surprising discovery they have made in a remote coastal region.
Paleontologist Steve Salisbury and his team from the University of Queensland and James Cook University discovered thousands of large footprints of 21 different dinosaur species - some of which are the largest known traces of first creatures and up to 1.70 meters long.
In the 140-million-year-old rock in West Australia, the footprints of stegosaurs are also found, which have not been known to have lived in Australia today.
Salisbury speaks of a "world-wide unique find," scientists around the world are in bright excitement. The Aboriginal people there, however, knew very long from the tracks.
It was only when the coastal region was selected for a massive liquefied petroleum gas processing plant that the native inhabitants were forced to report on the spectacular location. "We wanted to let the world know what is at stake here," says the chairman of the Goolarabooloo in a statement.
They informed the paleontologist Salisbury, who then, with his team, examined the imprints. In 2011, the area was declared a National Heritage Site. Two years later, in 2013, the gas project was stopped.
The researchers were then able to investigate the traces - for 400 hours. Their results have now been published in the specialist magazine of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. The tracks extend over a length of 25 kilometers.
Here you can see a video of "Australia's Jurassic Park":
Aboriginal DNA study reveals 50,000-year story of sacred ties to the land.
A meteorite impact of about 66 million years ago was due to the disappearance of the dinosaurs. So the vast opinion. But what would have happened if the meteorites had not existed? Would the dinosaurs have ruled the earth for millions of more years? Probably not, because as a team of researchers from the universities of Reading and Bristol found out, the extinction of the dinos had begun long before the natural catastrophe. The meteorite gave them only the rest.
The paleontologists Manabu Sakamoto, Chris Venditti and Michael Benton, have studied the common history of the dinosaurs and have now published their results in the science magazine "PNAS". By a massive data set on hundreds of different dinosaur groups, the scientists analyzed the speed at which new species of dinosaurs formed and died out.