Top 10 Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising events are a straightforward and fun way to get extra money. They are usually organized to raise funds for a certain cause or or...

Fundraising events are a straightforward and fun way to get extra money. They are usually organized to raise funds for a certain cause or organization. There are many excellent ideas for fundraising, as well as more modern and innovative ideas. 

Get ideas for your next fundraiser from this top 10 list.

Sale of cakes

Pastry sales are one of the most popular ways to raise funds. Many people have wonderful memories of the sales of school cakes. Ask several people to donate a variety of baked goods, such as cakes and cookies, which will then be sold.


Raffles are an effective way to raise money. You can raffle some small prizes or a huge one. No matter what you choose to raffle, make sure the prize is something people want and so be willing to buy a ticket for the raffle. Generally, the ticket winnings can cover the cost of the prize and leave money left over for the cause.


Organizing some type of game is a fun way to raise funds. Can be a contest of singing, dancing, beauty or any kind of game you like. Sells tickets to the audience and offers some type of prize to the winner of the competition.

Sale of parking space/garage

Making a garage sale can raise funds and help people decongest their lives and their homes. Encourage those involved in your organization to gather all the things they do not want or need (including clothing, household items, or toys) and organize a garage sale.

Handicraft Fair

If many talented people in your organization enjoy making crafts, host a craft fair to raise funds. If there are not enough people to make different crafts, limit it to something easier like home cards. Everyone can do it, and it will be easy to sell.


Carnivals are an excellent source of fun and entertainment. Place a host of different activities that you would find at a fair and charge entrance. It offers baked goods, food and beverages for sale. This is a profitable way to raise money when you expect great assistance.

Car wash

A car wash is another excellent idea to raise funds. It is also very simple and requires no more than what the name implies. Provide plenty of soap and water, and offer quick self-washed people. If you can, provide extra services like vacuuming and waxing at a minimal additional cost.


Calendars are relatively easy and inexpensive to do with modern computer technology. Use your organization, company, school or cause as a source of inspiration, and take a different photo for each month of the year. Sell the calendars at a reasonable price. Calendars are useful and are liked by many people.

Collecting Coins

Collecting coins asks people to donate the coins they have there. They can also give any change or lose money they may have. Coin collecting is a good way to raise funds because it does not make people feel that you are asking for much but gives them the freedom to give as much as they want.

Fundraising company

You might consider using the services of a fundraising company. Through a fundraising company, you could offer items such as magazines, cookie dough, candy and many other items available for purchase. Fundraising companies often provide incentives and rewards to top sellers.

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