
20 Types of Lead Generation Content to Put Behind Your Landing Pages

Design a great landing page and create quality content to generate maximum leads to your business. Sometime writers may run out of ideas ev...

Design a great landing page and create quality content to generate maximum leads to your business. Sometime writers may run out of ideas even the most creative, productive bloggers faced this. In this post, we will help you to push the trigger to explore ideas.

All of us who create content, whether for an online medium or for other media, know that there are certain times when the article can fall into the rut. Often content creators suffer "writer's block" in which for a time they fail to generate truly fresh and new material.

20 Types of Lead Generation Content to Put Behind Your Landing Pages
Every writer must have experienced such situations. So it is critical to have the skill or know different type of information to cope with the situation.
Much of the building of a content marketing strategy is based on experimenting with new types of content. 
Your audience can love your current content, but that does not mean it's all you have to create. Betting on new and different types of materials can expand your reach and attract more.

To help you create different content, here we are giving 20 types of content for your landing pages with which to generate leads and collect useful information about them.

1. Ebooks

Ebooks are the popular way to generate leads and gain credibility within your industry. But it may take the time to visualize the results. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are dealing with a topic that will be of interest and will help your target audience.  

2. Courses

Your audience may be interested in completing a form in exchange for a video tutorial. It depends on your production capabilities, you can issue a live tutorial or publish a previously recorded and edited. Be that as it may, ask your readers for the email or other information in exchange for the tutorial, to gather information about them.

3. Product testing

Sometimes your potential customers will want to try your product or service before deciding if it is what they are really looking for. This is an excellent way to grow and keep loyalty since those people who convert are satisfied with the test they have made of your product.

That is why it may be worthwhile to provide a free trial of the product or service with no other commitment on the part of the potential customer than to fill out a form with your data.  
Also read: How to Build Content Marketing Strategy Plan That Actually Unbeatable

4. Demos

If potential clients are ready to learn more about your product or service, provide demonstrations with your equipment. You can insert in your web demos of its operation and even close meetings or video calls with the most exciting clients.

These calls to action are especially valuable in the sections of the site that explain the differentiating aspects of your company or the characteristics of your product.

5. Contests

Everyone love contests. You can learn good enough about your audience while offering them a bonus for trusting you. With them, you can increase your reach by leading potential customers to your website.

You can run contests on your own site, or on almost any social platform, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Also, you can opt for one with a simple or more complex mechanics.

6. Cheat sheets

The cheat sheets are short and concise information that someone can mark for future reference. They are complete guides of terms, orders, symbols or other information that can constitute a quick reference. So the more visual and without great details the better.

7. Checklists

Checklists are another type of low offer that you can include on your landing pages so readers can print or download on their desktops. It includes clear headers, colorful design, and limits navigation on the page to quickly attract the visitor.

8. Series of emails

A series of emails are a list of several emails sent to a person who specifically decided to receive them. It differs from an email marketing subscription in which in this case a finite number of submissions are sent.

This format is especially popular during holidays such as Christmas when many brands make thematic promotions with a duration determined at the time and in that interval they send the users periodic informative announcements.

9. Email Subscriptions

Blog subscriptions in addition to driving more traffic to your website can also help you generate more conversions. But how do you get blog readers to become potential customers?

First, you can turn them into subscribers by only asking for their email address in exchange for sending them blog information on a weekly or monthly basis. It is essential that it is easy for them to subscribe for example using a one-step form.

10. Guides

Information guides have a multitude of styles, formats, and sizes, from some that include detailed explanations to shorter and more short ones. They are provided or users with useful, more or less profound information in a guide format.

11. Kits

Kits are pieces of content grouped into a single offering. The user is offered content and similar information at a single time. For example, an English kit that includes an interactive presentation, a report with original research data and a glossary of terms.

12. Original data and research

Data and metrics have become especially valuable as many concepts become more intuitive with figures. Having original and quality data about your industry will help you build authority and confidence in your audience. The problem is that analyzing and taking advantage of them requires a lot of time, resources, and experience.

One of the least expensive ways to collect original data and research is to conduct a survey of your subscribers, potential customers, and industry professionals. Then make a report or infographic and share it so that it can be downloaded by the visitors of your website.

Annual reports are similar to the original data and research. They usually focus on information about a particular organization, or to an industry in general. So they can be useful resources for a significant number of users.

13. Podcasts

Thanks to this type of content you can create a loyal audience and position yourself as a strong brand that provides a good user experience. With them, you will be able to put the voice to your mark with a relatively small budget (only a microphone and a good communicator are needed). If you do a good job, your audience will look forward to your new podcast.

When working with podcasts, one of the best ways to get information and keep users loyal is to request the subscription of these to receive updates and news. By offering a "latest news" subscription, you can maintain the public up-to-date on related information, such as industry trends or forecasts of future communications.

14. SlideShare Presentations

Like a blog, SlideShares is an excellent way to generate traffic. We may allow access to your information in exchange for completing a form. If your SlideShare is good enough, it can be a method that requires a low level of effort and high conversion results among your potential customers.  

15. Information Templates

Templates are an excellent system for creating original content for yourself. These can be of different types: calendars, worksheets, work schemes or infographics.  

16. Events

Hold events that the audience you want to attend. There are lots of possibilities, you just have to think which one will be most suitable for your goals and target. The most important thing about this type of communication is that whatever your event, ask the attendees for their contact information so you can send the event data and your personalized invitation.

After the event, you can follow the participants to inform them about similar occasions or where to download content related to the event that may be of interest to you. It is interesting to add calls to action in these communications that invite users to subscribe to other types of content or your social profiles.

17. Tools

Developing interactive tools can take time and effort to be difficult to grow, but if they are actually useful to your audience, the payoff often pays off.

18. Free applications

Although a priori may seem like a free product does not generate business, in fact, they are a great opportunity for lead generation.

Giving free versions of your product or service, may be versions with fewer features or functionality than payment, provide significant advantages over your competitors. The only thing to ask the public is to fill out a form.

For example, booking.com in addition to posting links directing users to the App Store or Google Play also offers the option of receiving a link to download the free application via email. For convenience, some users are willing to provide this information in exchange for useful content for them.

19. Webinars

The web seminars are a useful content format for the introduction of your target to the sector of your industry and establish yourself as an expert on the subject. A successful webinar takes a lot of work, particularly regarding planning and promoting it, but with the right strategy, it can be an excellent way to generate high-quality content.

20. Whitepapers

Whitepapers are more academic and persuasive than ebooks. They are structured to present a problem, and then provide a solution to this. People download them because they provide detailed information.

The great thing about white papers is that they can be created for almost any industry. A form is usually required to be downloaded. Allowing visitors to auto-complete this data with information contained in one of their social profiles makes the process simpler so that more users will be encouraged to complete it.

Generating different types of downloadable content for your users is the best way to keep your content fresh and current facilitating the task of reaching and loyalty to the audience of your interest.
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