
3 Bad Communication Habits You Need to Break Immediately

Today, much of the communication happens online. Due to the vast amount of electronic exchanges, it's hard to create a perfect message e...

Today, much of the communication happens online. Due to the vast amount of electronic exchanges, it's hard to create a perfect message every time you communicate.

3 Bad Communication Habits You Need to Break Immediately
However, some communicative habits can effectively alienate your audience and detract from the effectiveness of your communication, says consultant Dorri Olds. The expert has worked with numerous companies, helping them to create websites and dominate social networks. Olds works alongside his clients to 'cure' them of these three afflictions:

1. Deafness of tone

E-mail, in particular, is not known for its ability to communicate a tone, so it is easy for messages to be misunderstood. Sending a direct and short response can save you time, but it could also be sharp and abrupt for the receiver. Although you do not have to fill out emoticon messages, you should check your email, your posts, your tweets, and text messages before you 'send' it to make sure you are not unintentionally hacking.

You can soften your direct responses with a greeting (such as "Hello" or "What a pleasure to hear from you") and sign with a "thank you" or "greetings." Although this may make you write a little more, something so simple can prevent your message from being misunderstood and causing feelings or inconvenience.

2. Promotional Disease

"Some people think we're more interested in what they do than we really are," says Olds. If your tweets or your posts are dealt with you all the time, you are likely to bother your audience and eventually stop you from following and responding.

Olds recommends following a one-to-six promotion ratio to other content (only one promotional post or tweet for every six you submit). Also, when using email, make sure you're offering something of value to the recipient, such as an offer or good content.

The expert also advises using your platforms to promote others and help them build their fan base, results or share publications with interesting content for your audience. If your email signature is seven or eight lines, no one will read it. Cut it and leave the essentials: one or two messages about you. This will make communication more efficient.

3. Negative mental state

No one wants to hear people complaining or self-pitying in these media. If you do this type of communication regularly, you could be affecting your image. At the same time, Olds does not think you should be too personal in your posts. If you are authentic and share your feelings about a particular topic, you will become more accessible, and people will have a better perception of who you are. That is why it is important the way you position yourself on the internet.

"Why would you publish that you are desperate to attract new clients or that you are wasting your time in the office because you hate your job?" Think about what you are publishing. Do you want your customers to read it? If not, do not put it on the internet.

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