
Four causes the U.S. entry into World War I

The four causes for the US to intervene in the Great European War.  The causes of the entrance of the United States in World War I in 1917 w...

The four causes for the US to intervene in the Great European War. The causes of the entrance of the United States in World War I in 1917 were varied, emphasizing:

Four causes the U.S. entry into World War I
The German policy of re-attacking with submarines and without warning American ships. The most fragrant case of ship sinking occurred in 1915 when a German submarine fired torpedoes without warning the RMS Lusitania, a British ship engaged in passenger transport.

As a result of the attack, which took place off the Irish coast, 1198 people perished, many of them American, since the ship was on the New York-Liverpool route. The public protests in the United States were very active and, as a result, the Germans decided to stop the attacks in 1916.

But the rudiments never was forgotten, and it weighed in the spirit of the Americans to support two years later the entrance in the war against Germany.

Despite the high rejection of that German policy in 1917 Berlin publicly announced that the attacks would continue but this time they would focus on merchant ships. Behind this policy was the belief that Great Britain would capitulate if they managed to isolate it from supplies that came from the United States. This decision would lead to the rupture of diplomatic relations between the two nations on February 3.

The economic interests of the United States with the allied countries, especially Great Britain but also France.

Also influenced by the news in the American media about alleged cruel behavior by the German army, which predisposed the population to go to war on the side of the Allies.

Finally, highlight the play in the case by the Zimmerman telegram. By resuming submarine attacks on US merchants, the German government believed that it could lead to American entry into the war on the side of the Allies.

Faced with this eventuality, the Berlin government considered as a good idea that in that case, Mexico attacked the US to open a new front.

To this end, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Germany Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to his ambassadors in Washington DC and Mexico City, directing them to seek an agreement with Mexico for this country to attack the United States. In exchange, Germany promised substantial economic compensation and the return to Mexico of the territories lost during the Mexican-American War of the mid -nineteenth century (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and part of California).

When the offer to Mexico to the government of Venustiano Carranza is made, he responds very politely that he is not interested since the plan has neither feet nor head. But meanwhile, the telegram had been detected and deciphered by the British during its transmission to the United States by a smooth line.

But as the British did not want to acknowledge that they had violated the secrecy of communications from a telegram sent to the US or that they had the ability to decipher the German codes they invented the story that they had succeeded in stealing an already translated copy of the telegram sent to Mexico by line commercial.

When the American press published the telegram in early March public opinion was definitely inclined to favor a possible entry into the war against Germany. Finally, the 4 of April of 1917 takes place the entrance of United States in World War I.

What did Americans think of the United States' entry into World War I?

The causes of the First World War were very different from the Europeans and the Americans. In these circumstances, a large number of Americans favored neutrality at the outbreak of the Great War, but with the passage of time and the succession of events, especially after the collapse of Lusitania, public opinion was for intervention. The side of the allies.

It can be said that no one supported the war on the German-Austrian side, not even the descendants of German immigrants who made up a good number of Americans. This group, as well as the descendants of the Scandinavian immigrants, were for nonintervention.

Although they were not the only ones, highlighting in that position the Irish-Americans who opposed to having like allies in a war to the British and also a good part of the feminist movement was for nonintervention.

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