Bing Ads Keyword Basics: Learn About Positive & Negative Keywords in Bing

Bing Ads is a powerful online advertising platform for both individual marketer and corporate business. Advertisers can attract more target...

Bing Ads is a powerful online advertising platform for both individual marketer and corporate business. Advertisers can attract more targeted potential customer within budget, without efforts. Bing Ads is one of the largest ad network growing its audience. If you are not a Bing Ads user, here are excellent reasons that definitely converts your mind to join Bing Ads family

Bing Ads Keyword Basics: Learn About Positive & Negative Keywords in Bing
If you are struggling to get more customer but fails, this may be a cause of your advertising strategy. Choosing best ads keyword for your product or business is an essential material to succeed in digital advertising. In this post, I'll cover what the Bing Ads keyword are, how keyword work, how to choose the best keyword for your business, how to add negative keywords. Please be patience. This is an essential guide to Bing Ads keywords. 

Add keywords

Keywords are words or phrases that associate with your ads so prospects searching on the Internet can find your ads. When choosing your keywords, think about how customers would look for the products or services you offer. You can decide the level of match of the search queries with your keyword, which is determined by what we call keyword match types.

If you are a new user of Bing Ads, we recommend a broad match for your keyword match type. Broad match means that ads can show if a relevant variation of your keyword is included when a customer performs a search. Using wide match attracts more visitors to your website without having to spend a lot of time generating lists of keywords. 
Also read: 8 Tips To Reduce Your Online Advertising Costs When Using Bing Ads

What are negative keywords?

Negative keywords prevent ads from appearing on searches that are unlikely to amount to sales. For example, Sara has a toy store and wants to make a rebate on electronic products for children. To avoid having to pay for clicks from customers looking for other types of toys, such as "books," "board games" or "puzzles," you should create a list of negative keywords that include these keywords. 

What are keyword match types and how are they used?

Keyword match types help Bing Ads determine the degree of match of a search query or other entry with your keyword. Typically, the more correct the match type, the higher the conversion rates and the lower the volume. Finding the balance between conversions and impressions will maximize your campaign's return on investment.
Here is an introduction to the different types of match available:

Broad match (search network)

Syntax: keyword

What triggers the ad: Search queries that contain the words of the keyword or concepts related to your keyword.

Example: If your keyword is a red flower, your ad could be activated with related searches such as red flower, crimson poppies and buy a crimson flower.

Also read: How do I get Bing Ads Coupon Code? How to Use Bing Ads Promo Code?

Broad match modifier (search network)

Syntax: + keyword

What triggers the ad: Search queries that contain the modified words or any nearby variation, in any order.

Example: If your keyword is flower + red, searches for red flower and red poppy will activate the ad, but yellow flower will not activate it.

Note: Broad match modifiers only affect ads for searches. In the content network, broad match modifiers fulfill the function of broad match keywords.

Phrase match (search network)

Syntax: "keyword."
What triggers the ad: Search queries that contain all the words in your keyword (or any nearby variation) in the same order, even if the query also includes other words.

Example: If your keyword is "red flower," large red flower searches and red flower dresses will activate your ad, but the yellow flower and fragrant red flower will not activate it.

Exact match (search network)

Syntax: [keyword]

What triggers the ad: Search queries that match the keyword exactly, including some variations nearby.

Example: If your keyword is [red flower], your ad will only be activated with red flower searches.

Negative coincidence (search network)

Syntax: [keyword] or "keyword"

What triggers the ad: Search queries that do not trigger your ad. Negative keywords can be exact matches or phrases.

Example: If you have the keyword "flower" and a negative keyword "red," red flower searches will not activate your ad, but yellow flower searches will.

Content Matching (Content Network)

Syntax: (keyword)

What triggers the ad: Search queries that contain any words included in the keyword, ad title, ad text, in any order, must match the input of the Windows applications that are part of the content network.

Example: If your keyword is a red flower and a page on a website requests ads that contain the word flower, your ad will be activated.

Note: Content matching enables your ad on the content network, including Windows Phone and Windows apps that have been downloaded from the US Windows Store. It only occurs in mobile applications and in Windows Media properties.

Close keyword variations

For keywords with exact match and phrase match, your ad could also show on queries that match minor keyword variations so you can maximize relevant matches without having to add all the changes yourself. Matching variations are only available in English, French, and German ads in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, and Germany. Nearby variations are also taken into account in keywords with broad match modifier.

Some examples of the types of variations that are considered:

  • Plurals: A keyword luxury + Resorts will match the luxury resort query.
  • Stemming: The keyword + swim team will match the query swimming team.
  • Spelling mistake: The keyword Hawaii + vacation will match the Hawaii vacation query.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms: The keyword Redmond + Washington will match the query Redmond WA.
  • The word blending and splitting: The keyword + super + market will match the supermarket query.
  • Common spelling variations: The community theater keyword will match the community theater query.
  • Punctuation: The keyword of "real estate" will match the "real-estate" query.
  • Accents: The keyword + coffee will match the query cafe. Accents are not taken into account for the close variations of English ads in the United States and Canada.

Choose the right match type

If you do not know for sure what type of match to use, we suggest you start with a broad match. This will ensure you the best opportunity to reach your target customers immediately at the start. 
You'll then be able to see search results for your search terms performance reports to restrict your keyword list. Here are few tips on how to optimize your keyword lists:
  • If most search terms in the report are not related to your ad, it may be wise to change the relevant keyword to one of a more accurate match type.
  • For search terms that you want to trigger your ads more often, add them to your keyword list with a more precise match type (such as a phrase or exact match).
  • For keywords that you do not want to trigger your ad, add them to your keyword list as negative keywords.

Add keywords that do not trigger ads (negative keywords)

Use negative keywords to prevent ads from showing in response to individual search queries or other entries. You can add negative keywords to campaign or ad group levels, or create a shared negative keyword list for use in campaigns. You can use up to 100 characters in negative keywords.
Each negative keyword can contain up to 100 characters.

To add negative keywords at the campaign or ad group level, by expanding image

  1. Click Campaigns at the top of the page.
  2. Click the Keywords tab.
  3. Select View: Negative keywords.
  4. Click Campaigns or Ad Groups.
  5. Click Add Negative Keywords.
  6. Select your campaign or ad group, then add the appropriate negative keywords.

When adding negative keywords with the above instructions, do not use a dash (-) to indicate that the keyword is negative. You can use square brackets ([]) to indicate negative exact match keywords and quotation marks ("") to indicate negative phrase matching keywords.

If a campaign has multiple ads groups with different language settings, Bing Ads will only add negative keywords to ad groups that have the same language settings as the account.

To edit or delete negative keywords at the campaign or ad group level, by expanding image

  • Click on the campaigns at the top of the page.
  • Click the Keywords tab.
  • Select View: Negative keywords.
  • Click Campaigns or Ad Groups.
  • Select the rows you want to edit or delete.
  • Click Edit.
  • Click Edit or Edit Selected Rows. If you want to edit, make the appropriate changes and click Save.

When bulk negative keywords are edited, Bing Ads uses the account language setting.

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