
The 5 Secret Storytelling Points to Close a Sale

Everyone loves to buy, but nobody likes to be sold. But ironically no one likes to be sold. How to avoid falling into this dilemma.  To achi...

Everyone loves to buy, but nobody likes to be sold. But ironically no one likes to be sold. How to avoid falling into this dilemma. To achieve sales success, develop your storytelling skills.

Just imagine a woman entering a store and her reaction to the approach of a floor vendor who greets her and asks "can I help you with something?"

The 5 Secret Storytelling Points to Close a Sale
The answer is almost always a blunt "No thanks," which between lines means "I do not want anyone bothering my shopping experience, I do not want anyone pushing or trying to influence my decision." 

And that simple reality of human behavior has caused the modern sale is no longer seen as an attempt to satisfy a need or solve a problem, but as a whole initiative for change. And if you figure out about it, it makes all the sense of the world. A sale involves change, whether the customer changes supplier, and with that, the service or product that he was accustomed to using, or that changes the way he was using that service or product. 

When a buyer confronts a seller, he is ready for this to try to sell him. But if someone tells a story or anecdote, people think "Oh, it's just a story, I do not have to do or decide anything, and even the same and I learn something." A story breaks with that defense mechanism since we love to hear stories, to listen to stories and to talk stories. A story is an expression of how and why life changes. It begins with a situation in equilibrium, something that takes it out of balance and the story describes how the original balance was restored. Following this logic, your sales histories should have the following structure:

  • The Key Point as we process information from the inside out, it is important to follow this thinking logic of the brain and always begin with the why followed by the how and ending by which. Why then is the belief, is the why of history, what is the point that you want to achieve by telling it.
  • The Premise represents the beginning of the story, including location, time and conditions and the relevant context. The premise describes the start of the story, the beginning of everything. You know, the typical "once was a princess in an enchanted forest."
  • Complication encompasses most events in history. How it complicates the character his situation and what he does to overcome this challenge or solve the conflict. Remember, without conflict or problem, there is no story.
  • The crossroads emotional climax of the story, where the character comes to relief, a change of perspective or a change of direction. It is when the character does something that changes the anticipated outcome of the story.
  • The denouement the end of the story that shows how the complication was overcome or resolved. The premise represents the before, the result must represent the after.

With this structure in mind best practices recommends incorporating into your sales style at least two stories that can be used at the right time:

1. Your sales story,

Where you explain that you were not born a salesman, that your dad is not the typical used car salesman and that you never really thought about ending up in sales. But you realized that it is a great profession that allows you to know To more people and that allows you to help them. This story comes to the case when you face a prospect or customer who does not want to open, who does not want to give or give you information to identify how you are going to help.

2. Your crossroads stories, 

Which relate to a client who had the same fear, who faced the same situation, or who thought the same as the customer you are telling the story. The outcome of the story is how you helped to see it from another perspective and how that client is reaping the fruits of that decision today. To be applied whenever you find a client who thinks that he is happy in his status quo. Including stories and anecdotes in your interaction with prospects and customers will allow you to avoid the natural resistance of the customer to be persuaded or influenced, establish an emotional connection. Achieve an opening of the client and obtain information that in no way would be obtaining, reinforcing The relationship with the customer and assuring you of a quick purchase cycle with no surprises.

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