7 Steps for Generating New Business Opportunities

Finding a great idea can be challenging. Good idea and the great idea has a little difference. Good ideas come more often and than great ide...

Finding a great idea can be challenging. Good idea and the great idea has a little difference. Good ideas come more often and than great ideas. A good idea resolves minor problems in daily life. Open your mind and get inspired to get your great idea in an unexpected moment. 

If you are going through a "drought" season take note of these strategies to boost creativity in your business.

7 Steps for Generating New Business Opportunities
It happens to us all: A moment we have so many fresh ideas. We're in a hurry to share them with the world; The next moment, the thought is dry, and we wonder if we will generate an original idea again. It has happened to me, and I am sure you will too. A "wilderness of ideas" can be scary and even crippling, especially for entrepreneurs and business owners, as new ideas are the basis of innovation.
"Here are seven steps you should follow to awake your great idea generator." 
And how can you reduce the number of times when creativity escapes you? The key is to release what I call your "Rainforest," an ecosystem of innovation in which new concepts can emerge and business move forward.

I share seven steps that I follow to release the ideas. I recommend that you also apply them:

1. Have confidence in yourself

I have discovered that there are few tasks more frustrating than being on a team where the leader is insecure and downsizing the work of others. While having an occasional fear is entirely natural, conveying your insecurities to your team makes others less confident in you. And this freezes innovation. What can you do? Train your leadership, meditate, ask for advice from your friends and mentors, allow yourself to cry and express your emotions. I have noticed that being authentic about myself always works well in the end.

2. Bring together influential people

When I see a new building erected into the sky I imagine the process that his architects followed to design it. They were not just thinking about what happened inside the building; Also focused on how its inhabitants move in and out of it, aiming to push the connection between them. That's your job when building a team. You need to adopt this connectivity since the influencers who are most diverse (in talents or points of view) are the ones who create the most together.
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3. Focus on the process

Designers like to say that the context is the same as the content. It's just another way of saying that the way you put the table matters. As a leader, your goal is to boost creative confidence by making your team feel comfortable enough to get out of their comfort zone. Do this actively by listening to them and using the improvisational trick of trying to say 'yes' to all ideas instead of 'no.' Opera based on the belief that there are no bad Also, only first executions of good ones.

4. Make it fun

Innovation is not a rational activity. It requires a lot of effort, failure, and risks. If you don't enjoy the process, then why? Remember that travel is more important than the destination, so make the process fun. In addition, sharing joy builds bonds and drives the creative process.

"A great idea requires a fun atmosphere to stimulate creativity. Learn 7 more tips" 

5. Write your social contract

Many teams operate without a written social code. Be different. Have your team members develop a social contract and have everyone sign it. Rituals unite people and help remind them of their promises. Your social contract must be different from mine, but here are some ideas for a code that you could imitate:
  • Break the rules and dream
  • Open the doors and listen
  • Trust and be trustworthy

6. Give toys to people

Toys make the work more enjoyable. My team made a toy called the Rainforest Canvas to help people visualize their ecosystems. We have driven workshops with their canvas all over the world, and they are quite clarifying. On the canvas, each block represents a critical part of your ecosystem, as leaders and resources. Team members should fill out each section with questions (e.g., What resources are valuable? Who are the leaders?) If they do it right, the results can be powerful. People see their ecosystems visibly for the first time.

7. Link social differences

Social barriers, whether caused by geography, language or lack of trust, can undermine relationships even before they begin. Overcoming these barriers is essential. Ask yourself who in your team is not collaborating with who, what is blocking collaborations and how you can motivate those conversations. Perhaps the key is to modify incentives that encourage better communication. Review your social contract with your team and align personal initiatives with community goals.

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