7 Ways You Can Earn The Respect From Others
1:26 PMWondering why some people naturally gain respect but many others have to work or demand it? If you feel disrespected by individuals it may because of you. You can earn respect by treating people in the same way you want to be treated. Stop thinking and read this whole article to learn how you can achieve respect regardless of your situation.
People admire humility and detest branches.
When you are in a position of leadership, it is indispensable to have the respect of the people who work in your team. However, this is not given for free, you have to earn it. Also, your team may admire your intelligence, your work habits and even your ability to reach agreements, but true respect is much more than that.
1. Be friendly
You should try to be educated with all the people you meet in your day, from your partner and children, through your colleagues until you reach the cashier of the convenience store. I know, it's easier said than done, especially when you have a bad day. But remember that if you want to be treated with respect, the others too. Give others the same warmth you would like to receive. Make sure your actions are always polite. Open the door for the person who comes behind you, let the older adult in the supermarket row, always smile and give thanks every time.2. Act Respectfully
It sounds obvious, but to many people, it is not. Eliminate rude behavior such as making gestures with eyes on others' backs, paying more attention to your cell phone when talking to someone, and so on. These actions are not only disrespectful at the moment, but they also prevent people from coming back to you. Better generate a cordial listening area around you. We all deserve to be heard, even if we do not agree on all issues.Consider how you like being treated when you have something to say.
3. LISTEN Well
Listening is not the same as hearing. Listening is an active process that requires "pausing" our own opinions to understand what the other person wants to express. Many times what your interlocutor tells you will "shoot" thoughts in your head that will make you want to share your experience. Instead of telling your story, ask questions that lead the other person to say you more. When you develop good listening skills, you make others feel important and validated.Also read:
Five Winning Attributes Of Super-Successful People
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