
How On-Page SEO Can Help Shoot up Your Rankings

There is no doubt that ranking higher than your competitors on Google is the need of the hour to drive more traffic to your website. Whether...

There is no doubt that ranking higher than your competitors on Google is the need of the hour to drive more traffic to your website. Whether you are starting a new website or improving an existing one, you will need to use effective tactics to step up your SEO game. Before we move forward with a deep understanding of SEO, let's begin with understanding the basics.

How On-Page SEO Can Help Shoot up Your Rankings

Image: Pexels.com 

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to all the activities which you perform on every web page of your website in order to rank higher in the Search Engine Results Page (SERPS). On-page SEO deals with technical aspects of your web page such as titles, descriptions, URLs, etc. as well as the content of your web pages. 
You must learn to speak the language of the search engine in order to help crawlers understand the context of your pages. If you don't have a strong on-page SEO, you will be giving up on brand impressions, clicks and sales.

Make Content your Priority

You should focus to create brilliant content on your website which will become even better with SEO. Always publish original content and publish it on your own website first. For content which has videos, images etc. Substantiate it with text giving a description of the content in the form of text. Make sure that the content is well researched and adds value to your website. 

Title, Description, and Formatting

The ranking of your page is dependent on the page title, the description of the page, the headings and content. Search engines will identify your page with these parameters to understand what the page is all about and rank accordingly in a position in their index.

URL Structure

URL structure is a vital part of On Page SEO. A good URL must be less than 255 characters and use hyphens to separate the different parts. Also, group your pages into categories for the convenience of search engines and the users. 


Linking is another important part of On Page SEO. Linking is important because it helps the search engine to know about your pages and increase the time users spend on your website.

Now let us try to understand how on page SEO can help you rank higher in the Search Engine Results Page.

The ultimate goal of on-page SEO is to convince search engines to give you better rankings by making them understand what your website is all about in the language they understand. You can achieve higher rankings by giving more signals to the search engine. All these signals are a part of the On-page SEO activities.

The primary aim of On page SEO is to keep users happy with the content of your website so that they keep visiting your website. The majority of websites which we see today have not been optimized for search engines. Website owners should pay attention to on page SEO as it will help in terms of usability and also in terms of driving more traffic to the website.

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Benefits of On Page SEO

  • On-page SEO will help in increasing performance and visibility of your website for your target audience. 
  • On page SEO will help in getting your voice heard by optimising your online presence. It is very important to note that Google is getting smarter so it is important to stay updated with the latest sophisticated on page strategies for higher rankings. 
  • On page SEO will help you to see a major boost in traffic and an increase in your search presence. With the right efforts and strategies, you can make the users stay longer on your website with enhanced user experience. 

Now that you know the benefits about On-page SEO, let's move to the practical part. 

With all the sophisticated ranking algorithms like the hummingbird, panda, Rankbrain, etc. it is important to take into account all aspects of the web page which when added together will improve the ranking of your web page and earn more relevant traffic for your website. 
A must read: Step by step guide to find do-follow backlinks 


You must aim at improving the overall experience of the end user by influencing the user with your site to increase user engagement and interaction. 
Last but not the least, always strive to create content that reader love, and search engines will love you too.

Offline and Online Marketing are important factors of advertising for a brand and so, is an important subject nowadays in Marketing Courses. If you have a keen interest in marketing and wish to make a career in the field, keep updated with the latest trends and remember, Content is the king, treat it good!

Author Bio:
Ms. Sahiba Sadana is a professional Content Editor and an avid literature reader. She is the Content Editor at Sharda University and a regular contributor to Business Town, and Munfarid Consulting. 

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